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Swift and JavaScript comparison snippets - Strings and Characters


Strings and Characters

String Literals


let someString = "Some string literal value"

// Multiline String Literals with three double quotation marks (""")
let quotation = """
The White Rabbit put on his spectacles.  "Where shall I begin,
please your Majesty?" he asked.

"Begin at the beginning," the King said gravely, "and go on
till you come to the end; then stop."

// String Mutability
var variableString = "Horse"
variableString += " and carriage"
// variableString is now "Horse and carriage"

let constantString = "Highlander"
constantString += " and another Highlander"
// this reports a compile-time error - a constant string cannot be modified


const someString = "Some string literal value"

// Multiline String Literals back-tick (` `) 
const quotation = `
The White Rabbit put on his spectacles.  "Where shall I begin,
please your Majesty?" he asked.

"Begin at the beginning," the King said gravely, "and go on
till you come to the end; then stop."

// String Mutability
let variableString = "Horse"
variableString += " and carriage"
// variableString is now "Horse and carriage"

const constantString = "Highlander"
constantString += " and another Highlander"
// this reports a compile-time error - a constant string cannot be modified

String Interpolation


// insert values into the string literal is wrapped in a pair of parentheses, prefixed by a backslash (\)
let multiplier = 3
let message = "\(multiplier) times 2.5 is \(Double(multiplier) * 2.5)"
// message is "3 times 2.5 is 7.5"


const multiplier = 3
const message = `${multiplier} times 2.5 is ${multiplier * 2.5}`
// message is "3 times 2.5 is 7.5"

Accessing and Modifying a String


// String Indices
let greeting = "Guten Tag!"
// G
greeting[greeting.index(before: greeting.endIndex)]
// !
greeting[greeting.index(after: greeting.startIndex)]
// u

// Inserting and Removing
var welcome = "hello"
welcome.insert("!", at: welcome.endIndex)
// welcome now equals "hello!"

welcome.insert(contentsOf: " there", at: welcome.index(before: welcome.endIndex))
// welcome now equals "hello there!"

welcome.remove(at: welcome.index(before: welcome.endIndex))
// welcome now equals "hello there"

let range = welcome.index(welcome.endIndex, offsetBy: -6)..<welcome.endIndex
// welcome now equals "hello"


const greeting = "Guten Tag!"
greeting.slice(0, 1)
// G
// !
greeting.substr(1, 1)
// u

// Inserting and Removing
let welcome = "hello"
welcome += "!"
// welcome now equals "hello!"

welcome = welcome.substr(0, welcome.length - 1) + " there" + welcome.slice(-1)
// welcome now equals "hello there!"

welcome.substr(0, welcome.length - 1)
// welcome now equals "hello there"

let index = welcome.indexOf(' ');
welcome.slice(0, index)
// welcome now equals "hello"

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