These are my daily used links to study, practice and build projects. This list will get updated as soon as I get new links, but you can also contribute by adding those you know creating a Pull Request.
GitHub - software development and version control using Git
GitLab - software development and version control using Git - sharing and reading programming-related articles
Stack Overflow - get help with your questions
Documentations & Exercises
W3Schools - exercises and documentation of different programming languages
DevDocs - open-source documentation of different programming languages
Exercism - exercises in different programming languages
Programiz - exercises and documentation of different programming languages
CS50X - entire Harvard computer programming course (paid certification)
CodeAcademy - exercises and documentation of different programming languages
FreeCodeCamp - exercises and documentation of different programming languages
Khan Academy - exercises and documentation of different programming languages
Geeks for Geeks - exercises and documentation of different programming languages
CodePad - online compiler
Carbon - images of your code snippets
Google Fonts - open-source fonts
Can I Use - see exactly how well a feature is supported among different browsers
Brainboard - build cloud infrastructure
Stackedit - markdown editor
Youtube Channels
Web Dev Simplified - Web Development
Code with Ania Kubów - JavaScript, Blockchain and Front Endów
Rachel How - UX/UI and Front End
Fireship - Programming in general
Alex Lee - Java
Ben Awad - Front End and Python
Jonah Lawrence - Web Development
Sonny Sangha - Full Stack Development
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