Load Time Performance
AOT: As opposed to JIT Compilation where the compilation is done in the browser, AOT compiles much of the code during the build process (also called offline compilation) thus reducing much of the processing overhead on the client browser. With angular-cli just specify the “aot” flag (if prod flag is present, then aot flag not required) and AOT will be enabled.
Tree-shaking: This is the process of removing unused code resulting in smaller build size. If you are using angular-cli, Tree-Shaking is enabled by default.
Uglify: It is the process where the code size is reduced using various code transformations like mangling, removal of white spaces, removal of comments etc. For webpack use uglify plugin and with angular-cli specify the “prod” flag to perform the uglification process.
Webpack 4: Using Webpack 4 (and higher) for your angular-cli or custom webpack build results in more smaller build size compared to Webpack 3. Webpack 4 has mode option which lets you specify the optimization type (production or development) without you requiring to write any explicit configuration giving you the best possible results for the target environment. Also, build time with Webpack 4 is much faster (60% to 98%) than the earlier version thereby reducing the development time.
Prod flag: For the production, build specify the “prod” flag in the angular-cli application. It will enable various build optimizations like uglify, AOT, removal of sourcemaps, service workers (if enabled) producing a much smaller build size.
Build-optimizer flag: If you are using angular-cli make sure you specify “build-optimizer” flag for your production build. This will disable the vendor chunk and will result in more smaller code
Lazy loading: Lazy loading is the mechanism where instead of loading complete app, we load only the modules which are required at the moment thereby reducing the initial load time. In simple words, it means “don’t load something which you don’t need.”
Server side rendering: Rendering the first page of your application on the server (using Node.js, .Net, PHP) and serving it as a static page causes near to instant rendering thus greatly improves perceived performance, speed, and overall user experience. You can use Angular Universal to perform server side rendering.
Ivy Render Engine: Angular team recently announced a new render engine named Ivy. It results in much smaller bundle size than the current engine with improved debugging experience. Though it is still not production ready you can still try it in your app. You can look at this ng-conf keynote for more details.
Updating Angular and angular-cli: Updating your Angular and angular-cli regularly gives you the benefit of many performance optimizations, bug fixes, new features, security etc.
RxJS 6: RxJS 6 makes the whole library more tree-shakable thereby reducing the final bundle size. However, it has some breaking changes like operators chaining is not possible instead, pipe() function (helps in better tree shaking) is introduced to add operators. They have also renamed some operators.
Service worker cache: If you have configured your app to support Progressive Web App, make sure to specify all the necessary static resources in the PWA config JSON. These static files will be cached in the client’s browser making the second time load much faster.
Cache-control header: cache-control header controls who caches the response under what condition and for how long thus eliminating the need for network round trip for the resources which are cached.
Third party packages: Review the third party packages you are using and see if better and smaller alternative is available as it may reduce the final size of your build.
Unnecessary use of third-party packages: If you include a third-party package just to achieve a small functionality which could be easily done natively with JavaScript or Angular then you are adding unnecessary size overhead to your app which could have been easily saved. For example, if you are including Lodash just to do a simple object filtering then it is totally unnecessary as you could do the same thing natively in JavaScript.
defer attribute: Mentioning defer attribute to your script tag will defer the loading of the scripts (sychronous) until the document is not parsed thus making your site interactive quicker. For angular-cli app currently there is no way to add this automatically during the build, you have to do it manually after the build.
async attribute: Just like the defer attribute, async delays the loading of scripts until the document is not parsed but without respecting the order of loading of the scripts. The best example to use it with google analytics script which usually independent of any other scripts.
Gzip compression: Gzip compression can greatly decrease the size of the response body and hence increase the speed of a web app. Make sure you have enabled gzip compression in your backend. For express.js you can add compression middleware.
Top comments (4)
Really helpful, thanks!
Question: Would it be recommended to update Angular CLI without updating the framework's core?
For me, I will recommend updating core also to avoid the unnecessary issue like
Invalid range: ">=5.0.0"
Invalid range: ">=2.3.1 <3.0.0||>=4.0.0"
Invalid range: ">=4.3.0||>5.0.0"
Are you sure that scripts with async attribute waits for DOMContentLoaded event? I thought they don't care about waiting document to be parsed
20 Tips Increase Performance Angular Part 2