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Prometheus and Grafana: A Beginner's Guide

1. Prometheus Stores Data:

  • Collects and stores time-series data from different sources (exporters).
  • Acts like a data library, organizing and saving metrics over time.
  • Automatically manages storage by removing older data to make space for new.
  • Stores metrics in compressed and optimized format that's easy to query and retrieve.
  • Requires installation of exporters on the systems you want to monitor.

2. Grafana:

  • Grafana is a visualization and dashboarding tool that allows you to create interactive and customizable dashboards
  • Grafana integrates seamlessly with Prometheus and other data sources to display time-series data in a user-friendly and informative way.
  • When you set up Grafana, you configure it to connect to your Prometheus instance as a data source.
  • Grafana queries the Prometheus database to retrieve the metrics you want to visualize.
  • Creates custom dashboards to display data in an understandable way.

Working Together:

  • Exporters (e.g., , mysqld_exporter) are needed to provide metrics.
  • Prometheus scrapes metrics from exporters at scheduled intervals.
  • Grafana connects to Prometheus to access and request specific metrics.
  • Grafana translates Prometheus data into dynamic, colorful visualizations.
  • This collaboration allows monitoring and informed decision-making.


As you start using Prometheus and Grafana to keep an eye on your apps and make sure they work well, think of these tools as your helpful companions. Don't hesitate to dive deeper, experiment, and explore the vast capabilities they offer.

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