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Cover image for Priority Based TODO-List
51 Vaishnavi Raykar
51 Vaishnavi Raykar

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Priority Based TODO-List

1. TO-DO List with Prioritization

In this project, I developed a TO-DO List with Prioritization using React for the frontend, Tailwind CSS for styling, and Shadcn UI for enhanced UI components.

Method 1 - Using Form

  • User can add Task using form with its detail description, date & time and also needs to add priority of task.
  • User also show task completed as well as delete the task.

Method 2 - Using Copilotkit

  • User need to write task name,task details, due date and time as well as priority of task.

2. Technologies Being Used -

List the technologies and frameworks you used (e.g., CopilotKit, Next.js)

3. GitHub Project Link

4. Live App Link

Top comments (1)

v3nt profile image

Nice! What is Copilotkit used for here?