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Cover image for Web 1.0 Vs Web 2.0 Vs Web 3.0
Chiranjeevi Tirunagari
Chiranjeevi Tirunagari

Posted on • Updated on • Originally published at

Web 1.0 Vs Web 2.0 Vs Web 3.0


  • If we don't know about decentralised internet by the end of this decade, we have to struggle like some old or illiterate people struggling now to use internet.
  • Web 3 is the decentralised internet.
  • Before knowing web 3, we first need to know about web 1 and web 2.

This article is an attempt to give readers a sense of what web 3 is.

Web 1.0

  • Web 1.0 is the first iteration of web.
  • The users could only see or read the data from the web applications.
  • It wasn't possible to send data from user side to the server.
  • The creators were mostly developers who build websites.
  • The websites used to be static and hence, no interactivity.
  • In simple words, websites were just newspapers but on computer screen in web 1.0 era.

Screenshot from 2022-03-29 15-01-33.png

Web 2.0

  • The web that most of us using extensively now-a-days is web 2.0 .
  • In web 1.0, you need to be a developer to share data through internet as you have to code the web application by yourself.
  • But in web 2.0, you are not coding anything to share data on internet.
  • We are just using an application like facebook or whatsapp to share anything.
  • Web 2.0 is web 1.0 with interactivity.
  • Users can not only read the data but can also write data (send data to server).

Screenshot from 2022-03-29 15-08-04.png

Disadvantages of web 2.0

  • In web 2.0, the companies which built the applications for people to use has the centralised authority.
  • That is why this is centralised internet.
  • Companies have the access to the user data with which they can do whatever they want like advertising, recommendations.
  • They are charging users for letting the people use their application like buying apps on app store or play store.
  • Banks are also centralised and governments can also intervene in their decisions.
  • These centralised organisations can shut down whenever they want.

All these are because of having a centralised power. In decentralised system, everyone in the network has equal power.

Web 3.0

  • Web 3.0 aims to solve the issues discussed above.
  • Web 3.0 applications doesn't just run on a single server and use a single database.
  • Instead, they run on a block chain.
  • To know what is block chain and how it works, read this short and informative article written by me a short article on block chain
  • Applications which run on block chain are called decentralised applications (Dapps).
  • Our data is safe in web 3.0. It is because that our identity in web 3.0 is a wallet address which is a long hash value rather than our actual details like name etc.
  • Web 3.0 uses a peer to peer architecture.

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There are many other advantages and details regarding to web 3. But this article aims to differentiate web 3 from web 2.

That's it for this article. If you want a notes version of this article, DM me on my twitter or linkedIn (links are below).

Top comments (3)

jayjeckel profile image
Jay Jeckel

There was never a static, read-only web 1.0. That is a fiction that web3 propagandists invented. Forums and chat rooms, ie interactive websites that support user generated content, have existed since the very beginning of the web.

Further more, web 2.0 was just a marketing term used by suits that didn't understand AJAX and the concept of updating part of a webpage without reloading the whole page.

Following on from that, web3/web 3.0 is nothing more than another marketing term used by suits that don't understand that blockchain is a solution that doesn't actually solve any problems. Just like web 2.0, it isn't a new stage of the web and doesn't really mean anything at all.

Anyone taught this fake history of the web needs to go demand their tuition back, because this web1 -> web2 -> web3 nonsense is a complete fabrication.

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

Web 3 has been a fairly brilliant marketing initiative for blockchain proponents, for what it's worth.

I'm pretty intrigued by the idea of decentralized sources of truth being more native to the web zeitgeist, while also being skeptical of a lot of the current narrative. I fear that we're going to land very far from the technically optimal way to achieve the good parts of this.

And then, there's this kind of stuff.

warwait profile image
Parker Waiters

I think Metapunk would like this cross-post.