DEV Community

Kehinde Ebunola
Kehinde Ebunola

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A Backend Story

This story is quite intriguing as I would not call myself a Backend Engineer or Programmer yet.
I am a person with no background at all in backend programming except the basic CSC 201 class that taught us little to nothing about Python programming. All I knew was, there was something called languages, environments and a bit of their differences. We were forced to download them on our laptops back then to do projects and all.
But then, I was opportune to be employed by an accrediting company which uses SQL databases for their basic project operations. This is because they run most of their accrediting software locally due to network provider connection issues. That is where I got to know about PHP, CSS, HTML and other technologies.

I was fascinated, and I still am. I started getting the developer to put me through some basic things like how to connect to SQL and stuff like that. I guess he taught me so I would be able to handle accrediting projects on my own.
And yes, after a while, I was and I was promoted also. How happy I was but I wanted and still want more. So I started research and found a lot of websites willing to teach, but it wasn't challenging enough for me and I pushed them aside until I stopped entirely.

Well, that was until I found out about HNG internship program, it is a free Boot Camp apparently and it boasts of having a competitive workspace which I'm sure can hold my attention.
This is a journey I would like to begin with just a step in the right direction via HNG. If you would like to join me on my journey, click any of the links below

Thanks for reading.
See you in my next post

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