DEV Community

Vera Tiago
Vera Tiago

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What are your top 3 frustrations as a Developer?

Top comments (24)

nelo_mf profile image
Manuel Fernandez

What grinds my gears mostly is the fact that I can read all the documentation I want, build all the to-do lists and blog projects as I want, but I still won't be prepared for real client projects.

guitarino profile image
Kirill Shestakov

You'll never be fully prepared for what you're asked to do. That's the point of learning and growing. Muscle only grows because the body repairs muscle fiber damaged through exercise. And so you will only grow as a dev when facing and resolving issues you aren't prepared for. Whether it is difficult or not depends on how you approach the learning process: you can approach it with the fear of the unknown, or you can approach it with excitement for learning and discovering new things. One of these approaches will make it much easier, smoother and much more pleasant to do programming and keep improving at it.

veratiago profile image
Vera Tiago

Yea! I feel you. Software Development is challenging. There’s just so much to learn, and there’s so much available (libraries, programming languages, etc.) And if that isn’t enough, things are constantly changing.

ajeasmith profile image

Same here, but I'm starting to realize having a proper mindset does go a long way.

vonziu profile image
Konrad StÄ…cel

As a frontend developer:

  1. I hate working with backend developers. Usually, they are preparing backend without consulting with frontend, and usually it is not fully working(or at all), then when you ask them to fix something it takes a lot of time.
  2. Badly described tasks
  3. Tough deadlines
skinnypetethegiraffe profile image
Bobby Plunkett • Edited
  1. Users
  2. Users breaking my app
  3. Users describing their problems


Though while users can be annoying, honestly, the most annoying parts for me are debugging hard to find errors (such as ghost 500 errors), AWS (just as a whole, they make my life hard), and having to handle DevOps tasks (I don't like CICD pipelines)

renanlazarotto profile image
Renan "Firehawk" Lazarotto

1 - Dealing with users
2 - the hell-fire filled gap between demo code and real-world code
3 - the fact that past people that worked on projects I now have to work had absolutely no care about data integrity

dank1368 profile image

I am currently in the process of switching careers and learning some front-end technologies. Although I wouldn't consider myself to be a developer just yet since I am just starting out, I do realize more than ever, how fast technology is changing/ evolving.
I think that is a big challenge for someone just learning, keeping pace with it. By the time you get comfortable with certain concepts, updates are made and it's done in a different way. For a seasoned developer I think it may not be too much of a hurdle, but for beginners I think it can lead to some frustrations.

gabrielmlinassi profile image
Gabriel Linassi • Edited

I feel a bit frustrated I don't find a company that pays me $60K (remotely). I have 3 years of experience working as a front-end SWE and my highest compensation monthly was $3,300.00/monthly (~40K) however the average for my experience is around 60K.

I try my best to be always up-to-date with the tooling I need to perform my job (mainly React and libs of the react ecosystem), practice english on a daily basis to make sure I can communicate properly and most recently started to take leetcode problems on a weekly basis to ace the coding interview.

taijidude profile image
  1. having way to much different projects that i need to cover
  2. just putting out fires with no time to really improve things. (Management says the customer doesn't pays for improvements)
  3. badly documented legacy projects
pontakornth profile image
Pontakorn Paesaeng
  1. I want to do something but I don't know what to do. For example, I want to do some projects but I don't know which project to do.
  2. I get burnout easily.
  3. I don't have knowledge to make anything useful even for a side project.
caseywebb profile image
Casey Webb
  1. Timezones (and DST)
  2. Meetings
  3. Legacy support, usually surrounding Microsoft (IE, Sharepoint, etc.)
veratiago profile image
Vera Tiago • Edited

So, Users are definitely a common pain point...

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