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Preparing for a Cypress Interview: Quickly brushing fundamental understanding

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What is Cypress?

Cypress is an open-source JavaScript-based end-to-end testing framework for web applications. Unlike traditional testing tools, Cypress operates directly within the browser. This means it can observe and control your application in real-time, providing a unique set of features and benefits.


To get started with Cypress, you'll need Node.js installed. Then, simply run the following command to install Cypress as a development dependency:

npm install cypress --save-dev
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Writing Your First Test

Cypress tests are written in JavaScript. Let's create a basic test that visits a website and asserts the presence of an element.

describe('My First Test', () => {
   it('Visits the homepage', () => {
     cy.contains('Welcome to Example').should('be.visible')
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In this example, we:

  1. Describe a test suite.
  2. Specify a test case.
  3. In the test case, visit a web page and assert that it contains the text "Welcome to Example."

Key Features

Cypress offers several features that make it a powerful testing tool:

  • Time-Travel Debugging: You can see every step taken in your test, making debugging a breeze.

  • Real-Time Reloading: As you make changes to your test code, Cypress instantly refreshes the test runner.

  • Automatic Waiting: Cypress automatically waits for elements to become available, eliminating flaky tests.

  • Simple API: Cypress provides an expressive API that simplifies writing tests.

Unit Testing vs. End-to-End Testing

It's essential to distinguish between unit testing and end-to-end testing. Unit tests focus on testing individual components or functions in isolation, while end-to-end tests, performed with Cypress, simulate real user interactions with your application. Both types of testing are vital for ensuring a robust application.

Handling Asynchronous Tasks

Cypress handles asynchronous code gracefully. It automatically waits for commands to complete. However, you can use cy.wait() for explicit waits, and you can chain commands using .then() to handle asynchronous code effectively.

Continuous Integration

Setting up Cypress in your Continuous Integration (CI) pipeline is straightforward. Install Cypress in your CI environment, configure your test script, and ensure that the necessary dependencies are available. Popular CI platforms like Jenkins, Travis CI, CircleCI, and GitHub Actions support Cypress.

Browser Support

As of my last update in September 2021, Cypress primarily supports Chrome-based browsers. However, work on supporting other browsers like Firefox and Edge was in progress. Be sure to check the Cypress documentation or official website for the latest information on browser support.

Custom Commands

Custom commands in Cypress allow you to encapsulate commonly used sequences of actions into reusable functions, improving the maintainability of your test code.

Handling File Uploads

Handling file uploads in Cypress tests is straightforward. Use the cy.fixture() and cy.get() commands to select a file and upload it to an input field on a web page. The Cypress documentation provides comprehensive guidance and examples for this task.

In conclusion, Cypress is a robust and developer-friendly tool for end-to-end testing of web applications. Its unique features, simplicity, and real-time feedback make it an excellent choice for ensuring your web app functions flawlessly.

Remember, the web development landscape evolves rapidly, and Cypress is no exception. Be sure to consult the official Cypress documentation and community resources for the latest updates and best practices.

Happy testing!

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