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Cover image for Weekly web development resources #103
Vincent Will
Vincent Will

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Weekly web development resources #103

CSS Diner

CSS Diner
A fun game to help you learn and practice CSS selectors.

Tech blogs

Tech blogs
A big list of Awesome Tech Blogs, where you can also add yourself.

Dropdown Arrows

Dropdown Arrows
A cool demo of dropdown arrow animations by Mikael Ainalem.


A free, easy-to-use tool to help you collect, organize, cite, and share research.

The Thinner Book: Atomic Habits

The Thinner Book: Atomic Habits
A nice summary of the book "Atomic Habits" for everyone who wants to form new habits or get rid of bad ones.


A background process that watches your Git repositories and commits so you don't lose your work.

You Should Keep a Journal

You Should Keep a Journal
An article on reasons to keep a journal by Chris Saylor.


A tool to keeps desktop windows in their place.

Wrapping text

Wrapping text
A nice article by Jay Freestone on how to wrap text inside an SVG using CSS.

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