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How to return multiple values in ruby

You can return multiple values on a method using comma-separated values when you return the data.

Check the example below

def multiple_values
  return 1, 2, 3, 4
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Here we are creating a method called multiple_values that return 4 values. Each of them separated by a comma, in this form when we call multiple_values as a result, we will see an array with all these values. So the first one 1 will be at position 0 of the array, 2 will be at position 1, 3 will be at position 2 and the last value 4 will be at position 3 of the array.

Let’s call our multiple_values method

def print_values
  values = multiple_values

  _1 = values.first
  _2 = values[1]
  _3 = values[2]
  _4 = values[3]

  p "first - #{_1}, two - #{_2}, three - #{_3}, four - #{_4}" 
  # => "first - 1, two - 2, three - 3, four - 4"

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Calling the method

We created a method called print_values that will print the values of the array returned by multiple_values method.
As you can see we store the array returned by multiple_values in a variable called values, this values now contain all the values that we returned before. So for this example to show clearly what values contain we created a variable for each value of the array. Variable _1 called a shortcut method of the array to retrieve the first element of the array even though it will work exactly the same way as values[0]. Then we have the rest of the variables _2, _3, _4 to store the remaining values.

In the last line of the method, we print with a custom format the variables. So to make this work don’t forget to call print_values to see what it does.

If you are the kind of person that likes to play with the code. Here is the link of the live version

Feel free to play around with the code.

Top comments (3)

oinak profile image
Oinak • Edited

That is a very neat explanation, thanks for sharing!

I see your post is centered on the how and not on the why.

One of the most common errors in ruby is:

NoMethodError: undefined method 'foo' for nil:NilClass

It comes from calling a method on the result of a function that we forgot could return nil.

Usually, when I feel tempted to return mutiple or complex values, I tend to:

A) Return a hash than documents what they are:

  def complex_value
    thing = some_query
      status: (thing ? :ok : :not_found),
      content: thing.something
    } # always responds to [:status] and [:content]
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B) Return an object with a NullObject pattern to avoid nil.something down the line.

class Result
  attr_reader :name, :other
  def initialize(value)
    @name = value ? : 'Not found'
    @price = value ? " $#{value.amount} " : '-'

def complex_value
  thing = some_query # always responds to '.name' and '.price'
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I know the example is a bit contrived due to brevity, but I hope it lets my point though.

What do you think?

P.S.: Sandi Metz on this matters

viricruz profile image

Yes, you're right NoMethodError: undefined method 'foo' for nil:NilClass this a very common error in ruby and I understand your point of view. Thanks for sharing your opinions! 😁

michaelcurrin profile image
Michael Currin

Thanks, I was looking for how to return a tuple.

Tip - you can unpack all the variables in one line.

def foo
  return "abc", 2, true

a, b, c = foo()
# "abc"
# 2
# true
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