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Vivek Pal
Vivek Pal

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Getting Started with Umi

Welcome to this step-by-step guide on using Umi, a modular framework by Metaplex for building JavaScript clients for Solana programs.

In this hands-on tutorial, we will harness the power of Umi to build a simple Solana application that allows users to transfer tokens. This will showcase how to use Umi for connecting to Solana, creating accounts, and sending transactions.


Before we start, make sure you have the following installed on your machine:

  • Node.js (version 16 or above)
  • Basic knowledge of JavaScript and TypeScript.
  • Familiarity with blockchain and Solana concepts.

Setting Up Your Environment

Let's get your development environment ready for Umi. Follow these steps:

  1. Create a New Directory:

    mkdir my-umi-project
    cd my-umi-project
  2. Initialize with npm: Once you're inside your project directory, initialize it with npm using the following command:

    npm init -y

    This command creates a package.json file with default values, making it quick and easy to set up your project.

installing umi

  1. Install Umi and Solana Dependencies: Now, let's install Umi and the @solana/web3.js library, both essential for your Solana development journey. Run this command:

    npm install @metaplex-foundation/umi @metaplex-foundation/umi-bundle-defaults @solana/web3.js

    This command installs Umi and the Solana Web3 library, equipping your project with the tools needed to interact with the Solana blockchain.

Creating Your Umi Project

Let's kickstart your Umi project with these simple steps:

  1. Initialize Umi: Umi can be initialized by importing the required functions and setting up the connection to Solana's network.:

    import { createUmi } from "@metaplex-foundation/umi-bundle-defaults";
    const umi = createUmi('');
  2. Generate Accounts: For this example, we will generate two accounts: senderAccount and receiverAccount. These represent the two participants in our token transfer.

import { Keypair } from "@solana/web3.js";

const senderAccount = Keypair.generate();
const receiverAccount = Keypair.generate();

console.log("Sender Account Public Key:", senderAccount.publicKey.toString());
console.log("Receiver Account Public Key:", receiverAccount.publicKey.toString());
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  1. Transfer Tokens

We will create a function transferTokens that takes in an amount as a parameter and uses it to transfer tokens from the sender to the receiver.

async function transferTokens(amount) {
    const { blockhash } = await umi.rpc.getLatestBlockhash();

    const transaction = new Transaction({ recentBlockhash: blockhash }).add(
            fromPubkey: senderAccount.publicKey,
            toPubkey: receiverAccount.publicKey,
            lamports: amount,

    const txid = await umi.rpc.sendTransaction(transaction);
    console.log("Transaction ID:", txid);
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  1. Display Balances

After transferring, we would want to see the updated balances of both accounts. The function showBalances does that for us.

async function showBalances() {
    const senderBalance = await umi.rpc.getBalance(senderAccount.publicKey);
    const receiverBalance = await umi.rpc.getBalance(receiverAccount.publicKey);

    console.log(`Sender Balance: ${senderBalance} lamports`);
    console.log(`Receiver Balance: ${receiverBalance} lamports`);
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  1. Execute Functions

To make everything work, call both functions. In this example, we're transferring 1000 lamports or 0.000001 SOL.

transferTokens(1000);  // 1000 lamports or 0.000001 SOL
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Umi makes it easy for developers to integrate with blockchains. By using Umi and Solana's web3.js, we were able to quickly set up a simple token transfer application. Umi's flexibility and integrative capabilities ensure it can be an essential tool for blockchain developers. I hope this tutorial was helpful. If you have any questions or comments, feel free to leave them below.

Key Resources to Follow

To continue your journey with Umi and Solana development, consider exploring the following key resources:

GitHub Repo for this Tutorial

  1. Umi GitHub Repository
  2. Umi Installation Guide
  3. Umi Interfaces Documentation
  4. Umi Interfaces Implementations
  5. Solana Developer Documentation

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