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Vikas Singh
Vikas Singh

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How to deploy your Jekyll Website on Github pages

Hola amigos!
How to deploy your Jekyll Website on Github page

Hope you learnt something new in my previous post - How to install Jekyll on your local machine.

Well, today's post is a HOWTO TUTORIAL on How to deploy your Jekyll Website on Github pages or create a free blog on Github using Jekyll

For this you need:

  1. Github account
  2. Ruby windows installer (as I am a windows user)
  3. Jekyll installed

If you want to learn How to install Jekyll, then you should read my previous post - How to install Jekyll on your local machine

Without any further due let's get started.

➜ First, open command prompt window on your system.

➜ Now check the version of Jekyll installed on your local machine.
Jekyll -v

NOTE: If you haven't installed Jekyll. Then refer to my previous post which is also a HOWTO Tutorial to install Jekyll on your local machine - How to install Jekyll on your local machine.

➜ Switch to the folder where you want to do your entire work.
cd Documents

Like here, I switched to my Documents folder as I want to do my entire work there.

➜ Now go to the terminal and run this command to create a new blog using Jekyll
Jekyll new [blogname]

Jekyll new vkasblog

Like here I created a blog named vkasblog .

➜ Now again switch to the new blog "vkasblog".
cd vkasblog

➜ Now to see the new blog "vkasblog" on your server , run this command.
bundle exec jekyll serve

NOTE: For the first time, you have to use bundle exec_ before __jekyll serve. By the next time, you can use only jekyll serve.

➜ Now open this link to see your freshly created blog on your server.

Link: (https://localhost:4000/)

Now you can see your Jekyll blog on localhost: 4000.Congrats we did it together. If you get stuck on any point, ask in the comments sections.

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