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Vikas Singh
Vikas Singh

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How to install Jekyll on your local machine

Hola amigos!

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Hope you learnt something new from my previous post- How to deploy your project on GitHub page as a site.

This post is kind of HOWTO tutorial in which I will help you to install Jekyll on your local machine.

NOTE: This tutorial is only for windows users.

PRO TIP: Jekyll converts Markdown to HTML using the Markdown filter specified in your config file. Files must have a Markdown file extension and front matter in order for Jekyll to convert them. Jekyll pushes content into the layouts specified by the page's front matter (or as specified in the config file).

For this you need:

  1. A Github account
  2. Ruby installer for windows
  3. Git windows application

Without any further due, let's start the tutorial.

  1. First you need to install the ruby installer. This follows the steps, agree to the terms and conditions and finish its installation.

  2. Once you have finished the installation of Ruby installer, you will be directed to the command prompt of your system.

  3. In the command prompt, you have to do 3 things first. As you can see that in order to use Ruby Installer properly. You need to update 3 things.

  4. So, you have to press 1 and hit enter. You can see something updating in the terminal. After then, press 2, hit enter, let the update to be completed. And then again press 3, hit enter, and let the final update take place.

  5. Its time to install other dependencies/tools.

  6. Once you have done this, close that terminal.

  7. Open a new command prompt terminal.

  8. Now use this command to check the installed version of Ruby.
    ruby -v

  9. Then use this command to check the installed version of Gem.
    gem -v

1o. Finally install Jekyll
gem install Jekyll bundler

11.After the successful installation, check the installed version of Jekyll.
jekyll -v

NOTE: There is no need for Ruby understanding. The most task just requires a basic or deeper knowledge of markdown and liquid, but both are easy to learn. Only if you want to build plugins, you'll need Ruby. Jekyll works fine on Windows.

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