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Vladimir Schneider
Vladimir Schneider

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What problems i solved when did big app of a short period of time

We have a task do Halloween app in no more a week and we did it!

Shork about app: Instagram for the Halloween.

I wanna talk about solved Frontend problems in the app.

I choice Typescript with React and Redux because I have a good experience for this.

App consists of a three layout nodes: #root (for a app), #navbar (bottom navigation bar) and #modal (for a modals and popups).

Problem 1. File structure

Each components have a directory with self styles in components directory in the root app.

For a components of a component I created directory in the component.

In the component I created index.ts file for import and [ComponentName].tsx for a component code for a easy search file in the tab of code editor.

For example:

Alt Text

For a views and hoc I created separate directory too.

Common styles such as Button.module.css or Field.mobule.css in the root directory _styles usage in the project all over. It's so convenient!

Alt Text

Problem 2. Content placeholder

I have a react-content-loader package for this problem and it looks greate! I love it!

Alt Text

Content placeholder is flexible. After avatar and user name loaded placeholder lost for a image only. It image have error load you will see rect-button for a reload try image.

Alt Text

Probler 3. Load content by scroll

Here I think that I solved problem no nicely :( but it work

How do you solve it?

I used useEffect with limit, offset and lock variables

useEffect(() => {
    let limit = 5;
    let offset = 0;
    let lock = true;

    const promise = props.getPublications({limit, offset});

    promise.then(() => {

      lock = false;

    document.addEventListener('scroll', () => {
      if (!lock) {
        if (document.documentElement.offsetHeight < document.documentElement.scrollTop + Math.max(document.documentElement.clientHeight || 0, window.innerHeight || 0) + 500) {
          lock = true;

          const promise = props.pushPublications({limit, offset});

          promise.then(() => {

            lock = false;
}, []);
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

When a page height less than scroll to top of page plus page viewport height and plus 500px I do request to the server and push new content.

Thank you! It was great expirience and I like what we have done.

You can see the app and post your halloween publication on

Top comments (4)

karanpratapsingh profile image
Karan Pratap Singh

That was pretty good! you can maybe try for infinite scroll

vladimirschneider profile image
Vladimir Schneider

Wow, great! Thanck you)

karanpratapsingh profile image
Karan Pratap Singh

I tried the app, it was pretty great. But on opening the console I saw redux logger logging the state, even my keys, and access token!!

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vladimirschneider profile image
Vladimir Schneider

I forgot remove redux logger for production, I will do it now, thank you