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Vinay P
Vinay P

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Accessing Custom Flags from Terminal


  • React app setup with webpack which can be found here.

Two pathways:

  1. Terminal -> webpack -> application logic
  2. One terminal command to another

1. Terminal -> webpack -> application logic


Terminal flag is passed from terminal to webpack file using cross-env and is set as env variable using webpack.DefinePlugin() which is accessible via process.env.variableName while writing logic.


- Script command
"start": "cross-env variable_name_1=$npm_config_<flag_name_1> variable_name_2=$npm_config_<flag_name_2> webpack serve --config ./webpack/"
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  • variable_name_1 - this is the variable that is accessible in the webpack config via process.env.variable_name_1. Same with variable_name_2.
  • flag_name_1 - this is the flag name that has to be entered in the terminal.
- Terminal command
npm run start --flag_name_1=flagvalue1 --flag_name_2=flagvalue2
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  • Install cross-env npm.
  • Add the following script under the package.json scripts.
"start": "cross-env clientVariable=$npm_config_client themeVariable=$npm_config_theme webpack serve --config ./webpack/"
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  • In the webpack config file (webpack.common.js), the flag values will be accessible with process.env.clientVariable and process.env.themeVariable
const client = process.env.clientVariable;
const theme = process.env.themeVariable;
console.log("client in common webpack", client);
console.log("theme in common webpack", theme);
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  • Now under the plugins, define the variables to be accessed in the application.
new webpack.DefinePlugin({
    "process.env.client": JSON.stringify(client),
    "process.env.theme": JSON.stringify(client),
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  • These flags can be accessed in the requried components using process.env.client and process.env.theme
const App = () => {
    return (
        <div className={}>
            <h2>App Component.</h2>
                Environment value terminal flag, Client - <span className={styles.envValue}>{process.env.client}</span>
                Environment value terminal flag, Theme - <span className={styles.envValue}>{process.env.theme}</span>
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  • Now enter the following command in terminal and the values will be available. npm run start --client=clientA --theme=light

2. One terminal command to another


Terminal flag is passed from one terminal command to another script call using cross-env-shell.


  • With the cross-env npm package installed.
  • Add the following scripts under the package.json scripts.
"echoMessage": "cross-env-shell clientVariable=$npm_config_client themeVariable=$npm_config_theme echo \"Hello $clientVariable, theme is $themeVariable\""
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"greet": "cross-env clientVariable=$npm_config_client themeVariable=$npm_config_theme npm run echoMessage"
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  • The only difference would be the usage of cross-env-shell instead of cross-env to access the entered flag value from the parent command.
  • Now enter the following command in terminal. npm run greet --client=clientA --theme=light
  • You would see the following output in the terminal.

    Hello clientA, theme is light

  • Once greet script is run, npm configs - client and theme will be set and those values can be accessed in other scripts.

  • When echoMessage is called from greet script, npm configs - client and theme will be assigned to the variables listed for them in the echoMessage script, i.e, clientVariable and themeVariable. These variables can be accessed in the script using $clientVariable and $themeVariable.

  • This can be used when certain actions needs to be taken based on the client name or anything similar.

Repo link: Github

Reference: cross-env

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