Hey, I have created a list of free web hosting service providers. I have checked each and every website in the past weeks!
My youtube channel - V...
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There is a new kid on the block. Torus Host is an all in one solution like Netlify for static websites but instead it's fully open source and work on top of AWS. Some benefits are that you get 99.99% SLA agreements, unlimited teams, unlimited forms, and many other perks for a fraction of the price of Netlify's Enterprise Plan. Also it allows you to deploy from Github Organizations.
Awesome! let me know how it goes
As a web developer, I always look to have a lot of choices and flexibility when it comes to hosting providers. I am someone who is managing a lot of clients at a time, so I had to choose the best hosting that offered the choice of having unlimited websites on one platform. I tried out Cloudways 3 day free trial and was mindblown with the user-friendliness of the platform. It gave me the choice of choosing from 5 hosting providers like AWS, Digitalocean, Vultr, and Linode. It’s been 8 months and I am super satisfied with Cloudways performance, my website’s speed, and the flexibility I get to scale the serve according to my needs. When it comes to hosting, I always look for a pay as you go model and Cloudways luckily has the same.
There are many free app hosting providers but most of them come with a limitation. In this regard, if we talk about the Firebase then it is one of the most appealing hosting provider that is suitable for both frontend and server-side benefits. Mainly, I like its Firestore and RealTime Database. Similarly, Heroku is also a good choice.
On the other hand, if you are looking for backend hosting services then DigitalOcean is very reasonable option. As an alternate you can also consider using these backend hosting providers and probably, can consider Linode and Back4App.
Qovery is a great solution to simplify the deployment on AWS and Digital Ocean. There is a comparison over Heroku and Netlify.
Sorry to say I waste a lot of time spinning up qovery free server. Every time it flagged me and it's just a waste of time.
Sorry to hear about that. But as I told you on Twitter, Discord, and by email, our authentication system (auth0) as detected you as a fraudulent usage of Qovery and we sent you an email to validate your account. Sorry for that but this is what happened sometimes. Let me know if you need help
Well, I am using heroku, vercel and IBM cloud without any problem, And I am a jr dev, and don't own a credit card. Can you help?
could you elaborate a little more on your issue for future potential users?
I am just sharing my experience with qovery. Please take no offence. I am trying out all the free offerings so that can be up to date with there limitation.
The same email ID I use for heroku, vercel, heliohost, IBM does not work with qovery. It flagged me as fraud and that's it. I don't own a credit card and it is normal where I live. So there is no way I can set up an account and test my opensource site. But its ok I have plenty other options.
I really appreciate you sharing this. I've been using Qovery with the same email as my Heroku. There is something diff weird there.
There is also forge.laravel.com (For Laravel & PHP) and cleaver.cloud (For Adonis, Node and PHP).
They are not pure hosting platforms.But they abstract the work of managing infra and deploying apps by connecting to your AWS, Digital Ocean or Linode accounts.
The plus point is. I can continue using AWS and offload the work of writing custom scripts to Cleaver and Forge
Thanks for sharing dude! I will add those websites in google keep so that I will refer it back!
This is great. Thanks alot 🙏🙏
I would add HelioHost - Free Community-driven Hosting - heliohost.org/ - PHP, ASP.NET - Java - Ruby on Rails - DJango - Python - Perl
Well, they added it last year: helionet.org/index/topic/36882-nod...
wow! Defintely use this provider! thanks dude!
Well i guess "pythonanywhere.com" is always missed. They're super awesome for small to medium projects.
I should try this website to host some project today. After checking it, I will add it
I'd like to add other awesome-list
Hope it helps expand the list
AWS S3 free tier for frontend app ✔️
You're right! We could use GCP, Azure, Aws as well! But It has 1year trial period only right?
There are "always free" tiers for AWS S3 and GCP Storage. I assume Azure also has one, but can't say for sure without checking. The free tiers are large enough that no one with a small personal site is going to come close to them.
Azure has 1 year free trial. It supports static sites and nodejs also. Large hosting providers are worth to deploy larger apps actually. But heroku, vercel will be useful when we are doing our own projects.
Yep, on AWS you get 5 GB free S3 storage for 12 month. Not sure about the other providers, but it should be very similar.
Free != Freemium
I dont know exact difference. Will you say it?
Great that you listed Github Pages, too!
I host my website and blog (👉 wicki.io/posts) there too with static generated HTML. I love most about it that I don't feel locked-in by the tech.
Github pages are supporting the creator by giving easier deployment techniques. But I never deployed anything in github pages bcz I never learned how to deploy in it. But recently I did. Thank you for your comment!
Thanks for sharing, these are nice resources.
I would add neocities.org to the hosting list. It has a HUGE amount of space if you pay the tiny fee. But totally free also for anyone.
Tmrw I will try neocities and If everything is successful like hosting then I will add in the list! Thank you suggesting it dude!
Hey, it would be awesome if you could add Bip - bip.sh to the list.
Bip is a static web hosting provider, and has a free plan available.
Thank you!
fast.io is also worth trying for all small front-end needs..
How did I forget this website? Thanks for saying this website dude. I will add this website in the list.
Just saw this - Notice: On January 15th, 2021, Fast.io will discontinue services for all users.
Thank you for adding stormkit.io. Really appreciate it.
That is really great article. Helped me a lot. Thanks
Please let me know what you think about qoddi.com
Qoddi is free for developers and supports a lot of languages out of the box.
There is kintohub.com for full stack apps and static sites too. It also supports multiple environments and databases
I tried kintohub to deploy static and backend app (nodejs), but the application shows unhealthy status. Let me try one more time and find whether it suits!
pls update this. Heroku will not free anymore, end of this month (Nov 2022) :(
Which one do you recommend for react ssr with express?
I have app with just axiosno db or etc.
I don't know the perfect one in freemium, maybe try vercel. In vercel, need to do few changes for using express also. It will use a serverless function inside. In premium, try the digital ocean.
(note: I never worked with SSR)
Forgive me, If I mentioned anything wrong 😁
ok funny thing koyeb is really good but limted space i recomend it for small projects not big ones