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Cover image for Backstage for AI's Decision-Making Process
Vyshnavi K
Vyshnavi K

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Backstage for AI's Decision-Making Process

This is a submission for DEV Computer Science Challenge v24.06.12: One Byte Explainer.


Grad CAM vitally used in regions of CNN decisions, is a part of DL. uses gradients flowing into the final convolutional layer to show where model "looks" to make decisions, passes localization tests such as PASCAL VOC, MS COCO, and ImageNet.

Additional Context

  • Visualisation aspect: It conveys the idea that Grad-CAM shows "where model looks," which is a vivid way to describe its visualisation capability.
  • Benchmark inclusion: Mentioning specific datasets (PASCAL VOC, MS COCO, and ImageNet) demonstrates Grad-CAM's wide applicability and validation.
  • Accessibility: The explanation balances technical terms with more approachable language, making it understandable to a wider audience.

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