DEV Community

Will Ceolin
Will Ceolin

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How to get the host from a LiveView Socket

First, you need to allow the WebSocket to display the URI. You can do it by editing your endpoint.ex file:

socket "/live", Phoenix.LiveView.Socket, websocket: [connect_info: [:uri, session: @session_options]]
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In the example above, we added :uri the connect_info websocket option.

Now, we can create a mount hook to get access to the host value. In the example below, we'll add the host to our socket assigns, so we can use it in our LiveView with

# host_plug.ex
def on_mount(:add_host, params, _session, socket) do
  %URI{host: host} = Phoenix.LiveView.get_connect_info(socket, :uri)

  socket = Phoenix.Component.assign(socket, host: host)

  {:cont, socket}
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Now, you need to add this mount hook to our live_session in our router.ex file:

scope "/", MyAppWeb do
  pipe_through [:browser]

  live_session :my_routes,
    on_mount: [{MyAppWeb.HostHook, :add_host}] do
    live "/", HomeLive
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That's it! Now we can get the host in our LiveView by using

Note: If you're getting an error like this: ** (MatchError) no match of right hand side value: nil, it might mean that you forgot to add :uri to your connect_info as I mentioned on the first step.

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