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wiko w
wiko w

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The more that you get done, the more you will achieve. That's how reality works.

Nobody understands the importance of speed and momentum.

It applies to all areas of reality.

Business all the way down to changing your life.

Every second you wait is time wasted. Momentum wasted. Energy wasted.

You need to be faster.

Yes, you, reading this.

You NEED to be faster.


You think you do a lot, but you're wrong.

You could easily do 5x the work if you completed your work 5x faster.

With no real negative impact on your life.

But what stops you from doing this?

Your brain works slowly and so you live life slowly.

You talk slowly, walk slowly, type slowly, read slowly, eat slowly.

Speed is foreign to you.

You sit around and "think".

Thinking, thinking, thinking, thinking and the truth of reality is this...

The 3 days you spend "thinking" about whether you should do X or Y.

You would've come up with the same answer if you only spent 10 minutes.

While you're sitting around thinking, I'm building things in the real world.

Because it's only with SPEED that you defy gravity.

Speed. Is a necessity.

If your life isn't perfect, ask yourself the following question...

Are you doing the wrong things? Well, probably not.

Are you doing them too slowly? Certainly.

The reason I live the life that I do is that I complete every simple action ultra-efficiently.

If you did the exact same things with intense urgency and no hesitation, you would be somebody.

I don't know how else to say it to make you understand.

The more that you get done, the more you will achieve.

That's how reality works.

  • Wiko

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