I have a redux-form
that contains a dropdown dependent on the selected value of another dropdown.
I have a filter method to slim down the options from the state and fill my dependent dropdown, and it looks great.
I noticed that I had to select a dropdown item from the dependent dropdown to have the value updated in the store.
That's how I found out about redux-form
Action Creators. They are the internal actions from redux-form
to dispatch them as we need.
My interest was to change that field when filtering the dependent dropdown options. redux-form
provides the change
method for cases like this.
Setting it up was as simple as:
import { bindActionCreators } from 'redux'
import { Field, change } from 'redux-form'
// other imports ...
const mapDispatchToProps = (dispatch) => ({
updateField: bindActionCreators((field, data) => {
change(FORM_NAME, field, data)
}, dispatch)
Then using it:
this.props.updateField('dependent_field_name', newValue)
Something important to note and quoting redux's documentation on bindActionCreators
The only use case for bindActionCreators is when you want to pass some action creators down to a component that isn't aware of Redux, and you don't want to pass dispatch or the Redux store to it.
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