DEV Community

Clark Weckmann
Clark Weckmann

Posted on • Originally published at on

Glitch, The Underrated Tool

Before we dive in, I'm a firm believer in learning by doing. So if you don't want to read this post just click here to get started on Glitch now!

Glitch defines itself as

Glitch: The friendly community where everyone builds the web

and I couldn't agree more!

For Free

Unless you plan on using Glitch for a small-scale operation that isn't just development, you can get away with the free plan! I only upgraded to give back to the developers. These people deserve it! For free you get:

  • Projects and code are public by default
    • Environmental variables are always private
  • Full-stack apps that sleep after 5 minutes
  • Unlimited static sites that are always on
  • Github import/export and Prettier support
  • Custom Domains
  • 512MB Memory
  • 199MB Disk Space
  • Terminal Access

Starter Templates

Glitch In Bio

Instantly create a list of your favorite links, and customize them for free.



Build a website from scratch using the basics: HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. It could be a splash page, VR web experiment, or personal page.



Do even more with JavaScript on the server! Create a full-stack Node.js project. It could be anything — an API, a web app, or a data tool.



Build an interactive website with complex states using one of the web’s most widely used frameworks. Deploys as a fast, always-on static site.



A simple static site generator that’s perfect for building your new blog. Eleventy removes the repetition from creating a multi-page site.



Use a persistent SQLite database with your Node.js app.


Git Support

Glitch officially supports importing and exporting to Github. If Github isn't your forte, you can use the git URL to import from anywhere!

Each project is given a git URL for remote editing too. This way you aren't confined to the web IDE.

In Conslusion

I've been using glitch since the early alpha days. Things have changed a lot over time for the better. It's the nature of development. I'm confident in what Glitch is doing and am thankful for how easy they have made my life. If you're just trying to learn, check out their Discover section or search for projects to remix and edit yourself!

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