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Libraries for functional webcomponents?

Hello people, I would like to open a discussion over functional webcomponents, do you know any? I really like the idea of React Hooks, and I enjoy them a lot. The documentation of webcomponents uses mostly classes. For external reasons I have to use webcomponents, I was wondering if people know of any good functional webcomponent package.
So far I've found hybrids but I have no references about it.

Some questions I'm thinking:

  1. What do you think of webcomponents?
  2. Would you like functional webcomponents?
  3. Do you know any functional wc package?
  4. Have you used any of them?

Regards and happy coding!

Top comments (3)

uminer profile image
Moshe Uminer

I have yet to really use web components, though I think that they sound great. As for functional wc libraries, there is also skatejs. There is also a list of web components libraries here.

woile profile image

Thanks for the packages, I'm gonna check them. Skatejs seems to be class oriented. I'd prefer to use a functional approach with composition over inheritance

uminer profile image
Moshe Uminer

You're right. I saw it said "functional" and didn't look close enough.