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Fayomi Fiyinfoluwa
Fayomi Fiyinfoluwa

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What Is devops?


Yesterday, I immersed myself in consuming a wealth of information to understand the concept of DevOps. Based on what I have learned, I can confidently say that DevOps is much more than just a collection of tools or another role in the tech industry. It encompasses culture and mindset. When we talk about culture, we focus on values, beliefs, and, most importantly, the people and their everyday practices. DevOps involves a set of practices carried out by the development and operations teams throughout the software development process, from its inception to the final delivery to users. A good DevOps culture is reflected in seamless processes, timely delivery of features, and user satisfaction.


Let's take a step back and look at the software development process. It typically involves a software development team that builds and tests the code, which is then passed on to the operations team for deployment. If the operations team encounters errors in the development code, it is sent back to the development team for iteration. However, more often than not, the operations team may struggle to understand the code, resulting in delays in the software development process. While the operations team is still working on a particular feature, the development team may have already moved on to another. When the operations team completes their work and sends the code back to development, do they abandon the new feature they started working on to address the issues in the previous code? Unfortunately, they have no choice but to do so. This process clearly highlights the problems that DevOps aims to solve in software development.


DevOps solves the slow and error-prone process by creating a shared responsibility for the entire software development lifecycle and promoting a culture of continuous improvement. This includes using agile methodology, which emphasizes iterative development, and implementing continuous integration and delivery (CI/CD) pipelines, which automate the testing and deployment processes.

DevOps aim to increase collaboration, shorten development cycles, and improve software quality, ultimately delivering value to customers faster. By breaking down silos between development and operations, DevOps enables teams to work together seamlessly and respond quickly to changing business requirements.

Top comments (5)

macaulaythird profile image
emmanuel macaulay

Great job on your post, Fiyin! You've explained the concept of DevOps beautifully, highlighting its importance in the software development process. Your emphasis on culture, collaboration, and continuous improvement shows a deep understanding of the subject. Keep up the excellent work!

wonderfullymade01 profile image
Fayomi Fiyinfoluwa

Thank you Emmanuel

kennethstack profile image
Kenneth Mahon

great job

wonderfullymade01 profile image
Fayomi Fiyinfoluwa

Thank you Kenneth

devopsking profile image

This is outstanding....