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This week's API news round-up: Trending Podcast Search Terms, google autoparsing and list credit notes

This week, we will introduce three new APIs to you. We have selected these APIs for our weekly API roundup and we hope you will enjoy them. The purpose, industry, and client types of these APIs will be explored. On Worldindata, you can access more details about these APIs. Now, let's begin!

Trending Podcast Search Terms API created by Listen Notes

Listen Notes is a popular podcast search engine that provides users with access to millions of podcast episodes from around the world. The Listen Notes API is a powerful tool that allows clients to integrate the trending podcast search terms data into their applications. This data is particularly useful for clients in the podcast, entertainment, and streaming sectors, who can use the information to improve their marketing and content strategies.

The Listen Notes Trending Podcasts API is used by a diverse range of clients, including social app developers, content creators, streaming and entertainment services, and more. These clients can use the API to access the most recent trending search terms on the Listen Notes platform, which is updated in real-time. This data can be used to create targeted marketing campaigns, optimize content creation, and improve user engagement.

The main purpose of the Listen Notes API is to provide clients with up-to-date information about the most popular podcast search terms on the platform. The API can fetch up to 10 of the most recent trending search terms, which can be used to analyze user behavior and identify emerging trends. By using this information, clients can improve their content offerings, attract new listeners, and keep their existing audience engaged. Overall, the Listen Notes API is an essential tool for any client in the podcast, entertainment, and streaming sectors who wants to stay ahead of the curve and keep up with the latest trends.

Format: JSON
Method: GET
Endpoint: /trending_searches

Filters: X-ListenAPI-Key

Scraperapi google autoparsing API

Scraperapi offers an API that automates the process of parsing HTML from Google Search and Google Shopping. This service has a broad appeal, as it is utilized by market analysts and marketers, web scrapers, and many other clients. The API's primary purpose is to return all relevant information as JSON, making it easy for users to analyze and utilize the data.

The Google Autoparsing API is especially valuable to clients in the sales and marketing, google trends, web scraping, ecommerce, and related industries. The data returned by the API is used to inform marketing strategies, identify market trends, and help businesses stay competitive. By providing an easy-to-use service that automatically parses Google search results, Scraperapi enables clients to access valuable data that would be difficult or impossible to obtain through manual methods.

The API's primary purpose is to automatically parse Google search results and shopping data and return the most relevant information as JSON. This allows users to quickly and easily access the data they need for their specific use case. Whether the client is a market analyst looking for trends in a specific industry, a marketer seeking to optimize their ad campaigns, or a web scraper seeking to extract information for their own purposes, the Google Autoparsing API is a valuable tool that can save time and improve efficiency. Overall, the Google Autoparsing API is an essential tool for any client looking to gain valuable insights from Google search data.

Format: JSON
Method: GET

Data: Live Data

Filters: url and autoparse

Apideck list credit notes API

The List Credit Notes API by Apideck is a valuable tool for businesses and sales managers seeking to streamline their credit note management processes. This API is utilized by a variety of clients, including companies and businesses, SaaS developers, and others. The data returned by the API is useful for clients in the sales, ecommerce, business intelligence, accounting, and SaaS industries, among others.

The List Credit Notes API's primary purpose is to fetch credit notes of a customer upon integration. This allows businesses to easily manage their credit notes and track customer balances, making it an essential tool for any organization that offers credit notes. By automating the credit note management process, businesses can improve efficiency and accuracy while reducing the risk of errors or omissions.

The List Credit Notes API is especially valuable for SaaS developers who are building accounting or invoicing applications. By integrating the API into their applications, SaaS developers can provide their clients with a powerful tool for credit note management that seamlessly integrates with their existing workflows. The API is also useful for businesses seeking to streamline their accounting processes and gain greater insight into their financial data. Overall, the List Credit Notes API is an essential tool for any organization seeking to simplify their credit note management processes and improve their financial operations.

Format: JSON
Method: GET
Endpoint: /accounting/credit-notes

Filters: x-apideck-consumer-id, x-apideck-app-id, x-apideck-service-id, raw, cursor and limit

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