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Deploying Scripts in Power Automate

david wyatt on February 08, 2023

Office Scripts are incredibly useful, often stretching beyond use cases of just Excel (if you want to know more check out 5 Scripts every power aut...
misterjib profile image

This is cool, bummer PA doesn't support running scripts from SP yet.

wyattdave profile image
david wyatt

Looks like it finally does 😁😁
Image description

misterjib profile image

Oh wow, this is great news

hjl2004 profile image

Hi. I have yet another case. I got a tiny script temporary pausing the sheet protection in order for me to perform changes, before resuming it. There are no parameters, but puting "" into the ScriptParameter section seems to run into issues. I would be thankful to hear any suggestion on why this is and how to make it work.

wyattdave profile image
david wyatt

Hi hjl2004, have you tried adding a parameter but not using it?

hjl2004 profile image

There are no parameters. The script is switching the sheet protection on/off. There is no interface part.

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wyattdave profile image
david wyatt

But you can still pass a parameter, just dont use it

hjl2004 profile image

It doesn't work for me. I get the error "Script identifier format was invalid.
clientRequestId: ". When looking into input under action 'run script' I don't see "ScriptParameters": {"data": "@body('Select')"} as you described but "ScriptParameters": {"data": "ms-officescript%3A%2F%2Fonedrive_business_itemlink%2Fosts"} instead. What's the issue here? Can you help?

wyattdave profile image
david wyatt

Hi hjl2004, If you are not seeing @body('Select') then it appears you have the wrong input, the above is the route url of the scriptId. That should go in the script input (with the uique ID appended).
Recently I have seen that sometimes the schema is now identified (making it a lot easier as we now see the parameter inputs instead of just the parent ScriptParameter input), but that might add some confusion if you are looking for ScriptParameter. If Ive missed the problem let me know and we can pick up directly (others have contacted me through LinkedIn )

hjl2004 profile image
hjl2004 • Edited

Yes, I actually did put the URL+uniqueID in the 'script input' as described by you. The problem seems to be, that my output of 'body/Id' is "%252fShared%2bDocuments%252fCode%252fScripts%252fTBL2JSON_Input_from_JR.osts". As there is no unique ID your split does take the file extension "osts" instead.

You are using OneDrive, but is there a way to use scripts located at a sharepoint? Is there anything like 'ms-officescript%3A%2F%2Fsharepoint_itemlink%2F'?

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wyattdave profile image
david wyatt • Edited

I see, the ScriptParameter should be a object (above its a select action). Example
"parameterName": "ParameterValue"

would pass the word "ParameterValue" as the parameterName

Function main(workbook: ExcelScript.Workbook, parameterName :string) {

gautam_chawla_6c6e16c9a44 profile image
Gautam Chawla

I am using 'Run script from sharepoint library' and facing issue in making this pattern to choose the right script dynamically, any help around this?
Drive Id - b!s9cbCzQ2902ADQHt5GLPH8s9xUuMNF9OvnC7S0asF5tu6c5CSpfoRLt47xoNTCq1 (sharepoint library)

wyattdave profile image
david wyatt

The easiest way I find to do it is to select everything you want in the action, then peak the code. This will show all of the inputs you need. Copy them into an environment variable (I recommend just one object environment variable), then replace the values with the environment variable you are using

neutralalien profile image

Hi, David.
This works great in Power Automate online, but for stupid reason doesn’t seem to work in Power Automate desktop. Any ideas on how to potentially get it to work in the desktop version ?