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Why You Should Listen to Your Body

By a 35-year-old Software Engineer Learning from Life's Lessons

I used to think that once I got fit, I’d dive into sports—box cricket, indoor games, maybe some trekking. For years, I delayed fitness, waiting for the “right time.” What I didn’t realize was that my body had been trying to tell me something all along. Sitting for a decade at work, in poor posture, was taking a toll on me—slowly, silently. I began working out in August 2024, only to discover that I wasn’t as fit as I had imagined. The years of neglect had caused long-term pain and discomfort, particularly when lifting weights or even sitting for long periods.

Your Body Is Talking—Are You Listening?
Many of us make the mistake of waiting for the perfect moment to start getting fit. I’ve been there, too, thinking that I could push my limits once I reached a certain level of fitness. But here’s the truth: your body is constantly talking to you, sending signals about what it needs, what it can handle, and where it’s struggling. And every body is unique.

What works for one person might not work for you. The workout plan that got your gym buddy in shape may not suit your needs. And that’s okay. Listening to your body is about tuning in to those signals, identifying what’s right for you, and making adjustments accordingly.

Small Steps Make Big Waves
When I first hit the gym, it was humbling to realize that I had to start slow. The pain from years of improper posture didn’t vanish overnight. It will take time to reverse the years of aches and discomfort. But I know that with patience and perseverance, I will make a strong comeback. The key is to remain consistent and mindful. The progress might be slow, but it’s steady—and that’s what matters.

Let me share a little rhythm with you, a reminder that slow and steady wins this race:

Keep your pace, don’t rush too fast,
Listen to your body—it knows your past.
Trust in each step, small and true,
The journey's not quick, but it's all about you.

Consistency Is Key
Day by day, I’m learning that my body isn’t a machine. It requires care, attention, and respect. Consistency in movement, proper posture, and staying mindful of how I feel during workouts and daily activities has helped me more than any heavy lifting could. And though the journey may be long, I know I’ll get there—stronger and healthier than ever.

Trust yourself, you’ll find the way,
One mindful step, one movement each day.
Enjoy the process, feel it grow,
Believe in the universe—let it flow.

The Journey Continues
It’s not always easy. Some days, I feel like I’m still carrying the weight of all those years of ignoring my body’s needs. But the difference now is that I’m aware, I’m listening, and I’m acting. The pain is less, the movement is freer, and the trust I’ve built with my own body is stronger. I’m going slow because I know that it’s the only way to truly heal and come back better than ever.

So, if you’re like me—waiting for that perfect time to start—don’t wait. Your body is telling you what it needs right now. Listen, trust the process, and take small, mindful steps. You’ll find joy in every moment, and that’s the real treasure of this journey.

Feel the rhythm in your stride,
Your body knows the way inside.
Trust the process, trust the flow,
With every step, your strength will grow.

I may be taking my time, but I know this: I’m making a strong comeback—and so can you.

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