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Yukti Manoj Mulani
Yukti Manoj Mulani

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Project Stage-2 Implementation Part-3

Welcome back, everyone! In the previous part of this series, we delved into the complexities of Function Multi-Versioning (FMV) and started exploring the depths of GCC's inner workings. After painstakingly investigating files like tree.h,, and tree-inline.h, we honed in on the elusive function responsible for FMV: expand_target_clones in

Unpacking the Errors: Invalid Target Attributes

As I ventured deeper into the code, modifying the expand_target_clones function to automatically create function clones for various target architectures, I encountered a persistent error that quickly turned my excitement into frustration:

error: pragma or attribute ‘target("sve-bf16")’ is not valid
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Despite my best efforts to resolve this error, it remained stubbornly present. This error indicates that the specified target attribute isn't recognized or supported by my current GCC setup.

Diagnosing the Error: Why It Happened

This error message typically arises when:

  1. Unsupported Target Architecture: The specified target attribute is not supported by the GCC version being used.
  2. Incorrect Attribute Syntax: The attribute might be formatted or spelled incorrectly, causing GCC to reject it.

Steps Taken to Resolve the Error

To tackle this issue, I followed a structured approach to diagnose and attempt to resolve the problem

1. Verify Supported Target Attributes

First, I needed to determine which target architectures were actually supported by my GCC version (11.3.1). I used the command below, which is intended to list all valid target architectures:

gcc -E -march=help -xe /dev/null
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However, this command resulted in an error:

gcc: error: unrecognized command line option ‘-march=help’
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Despite the error, it hinted at valid target architectures. Knowing that my GCC version was 11.3.1, I needed to cross-reference the valid targets for this version.

2. Cross-Check GCC Documentation

I reviewed the official GCC documentation for version 11.3.1, which provides comprehensive information on supported target architectures. This step was crucial in understanding which attributes were valid for the version I was using.

3. Update Hardcoded Attributes

With the correct list of supported targets, I revised my hardcoded attributes to include only those that were valid. Instead of sve-bf16, I opted for more widely supported attributes like sve and sve2:

const int num_attrs = 2;
char attrs2[num_attrs][5] = {"sve", "sve2"};

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Despite this change, the error persisted.

Further Investigations and Continued Errors

Even after updating the attributes, the error did not disappear. This was a significant setback, but it also provided an opportunity to deepen my understanding of the issue.

1. Examine CPU Features

I examined the /proc/cpuinfo file to understand the supported features of my CPU. This information helped confirm that the hardware supported the attributes I was attempting to use.

cat /proc/cpuinfo
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However, this did not shed light on why the compiler continued to reject the target attributes.

2. Investigate GCC Configuration

I reviewed the GCC configuration to ensure that it was built with support for the architectures I was targeting. Ensuring that the compiler itself was correctly configured was essential, but it did not resolve the error.

3. Seek Insights from Community Resources

I turned to forums and mailing lists where other developers had discussed similar issues. While there were many insights, none directly addressed the persistent error I was encountering.

Key Takeaways and Next Steps

This part of the project was filled with challenges, highlighting the complexities of compiler development. Here are the key takeaways from this experience:

Persistent Errors Are Learning Opportunities: While frustrating, persistent errors offer a chance to deepen your understanding and refine your approach.
Documentation and Community Insights Are Valuable: Reviewing documentation and seeking community insights can provide guidance, even if they don't always offer immediate solutions.
Next Steps: A Plan for Resolving the Error
Given the persistent error, here are the steps I plan to take next:

1. Verify GCC Build and Configuration

I will verify that my GCC build includes the necessary support for the target attributes. This involves checking the configuration and potentially rebuilding GCC with the required features.

2. Test with Different GCC Versions

Testing with different GCC versions may help identify if the issue is specific to version 11.3.1. This could provide insights into whether a version upgrade or a different build is necessary.

3. Explore Alternative Architectures

I will explore using alternative target architectures that are widely supported and verified to work with my setup. This may involve testing with simpler or more generic attributes initially.

4. Debug with Detailed Logging

I will enable detailed logging and diagnostics in GCC to better understand why the error occurs. This may involve using flags or modifying the GCC code to provide more information during compilation.

Wrapping It Up: Lessons Learned and Moving Forward
Despite the persistent error, this project has been a valuable learning experience. It has highlighted the importance of persistence, attention to detail, and the value of community and documentation in tackling complex issues.

As I continue to work through these challenges, I am optimistic that the next steps will provide the insights needed to resolve the error and successfully implement the automatic FMV cloning feature.

Thank you for joining me on this journey. Stay tuned for more updates as I continue to unravel the mysteries of GCC and FMV. Happy coding! 🚀

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