A sitemap is an xml file that functions as a map to navigate your site. Hence the name; Site (site) map. Search engines, such as google, bing, yahoo and others, use the sitemap of a site as a starting point to analyze its content and include it in their search results.
Ignoring the sitemap of your website could bring catastrophic consequences to your site's SEO.
Structure of a sitemap
A sitemap is an xml file, which has an element called urlset, which is a collection of url elements. Each url element has a location, in this case its url address, a frequency of change, a priority and other optional elements, such as images.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<urlset xmlns="http://www.sitemaps.org/schemas/sitemap/0.9" xmlns:xhtml="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
Split Sitemaps
When a sitemap is very large it is possible to divide it into smaller sitemaps, using a sitemapindex element and sitemap sub elements, each with its respective location.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<sitemapindex xmlns="http://www.sitemaps.org/schemas/sitemap/0.9">
Framework of sitemaps in Django
Django already has an internal framework for sitemap generation, django.contrib.sitemaps, which allows us to create sitemaps dynamically in conjunction with django.contrib.sites.
django.contrib.sites is a framework included in django that allows you to manage different websites with the same django application.
To use the sitemaps framework, we need to add the two packages to the INSTALLED_APPS variable and also add the site identifier.
# settings.py
Since Django keeps track of the sites that are managed by the application in the database, you will need to run migrations to update the database.
Defining a sitemap in Django
Now redirect to your application, at the same level as your models.py file and create a file called sitemaps.py.
Inside this file we are going to inherit a class from the Sitemap class provided by Django.
# app/sitemaps.py
from django.contrib.sitemaps import Sitemap
from .models import Videogame
class VideogameSitemap(Sitemap):
changefreq = 'monthly'
priority = 0.8
def items(self):
return Videogame.objects.filter(published=True)
def lastmod(self, obj):
return obj.modified
By overwriting the items function we will define the queryset that will be used as a base, you can modify it as much as you want: partition it, limit it to attributes of your objects or as you prefer.
Location refers to the url of the resource. If we do not define a location method, Django will use the get_absolute_url method of our model to generate.
# sitemaps.py
class VideogameSitemap(Sitemap):
# ...
def location(self, obj):
return obj.metodo_personalizado()
Refers to the frequency with which the content changes. You can use a function to generate it dynamically according to attributes of the object itself or leave it fixed.
# app/sitemaps.py
class VideogameSitemap(Sitemap):
def changefreq(self, obj):
# ...
return 'monthly'
It dictates the priority of the resource. It is possible to use a function to generate the priority dynamically through attributes or any other flow you prefer.
# app/sitemaps.py
class VideogameSitemap(Sitemap):
def priority(self, obj):
# ...
return 0.8
Adding a sitemap to Django urls
Now we need to add the url to our project’s urls.py file. The view we will use, called sitemap, is provided by django and we just pass it a dictionary that relates the sitemap we just created and pass it as a parameter.
Within the sitemaps variable you can add other sitemaps for other applications.
from django.contrib.sitemaps.views import sitemap
from videogame.sitemaps import VideogameSitemap
sitemaps = {
'videogames': VideogameSitemap,
urlpatterns = [
# ...
path('sitemap.xml', sitemap, {'sitemaps': sitemaps},
Setting the domain name in the sitemap
If we access the sitemap, you will notice that the base url of the urls is example.org, to define another one we need to modify the base from the administrator. The form is located at /admin/sites/site/
Modify the default domain of the sitemap in /admin/sites/site/
Sitemap cache
Remember that, generally, when you are creating a sitemap dynamically, from each of the objects in your database, you are going through it completely every time you access it. If your database is colossal, this may not be convenient. Depending on the type of site you manage, you may want to store the sitemap in the Django cache.
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