👉Remain on high level
👉No specific tools/frameworks included
Why it matters👈
- Understand your users better
- Narrow the gap between how you expect user to use and how user actually use it
- Marketing data analytics
How to do it👇
On client side
- Sync, send and wait
- Async, send and go
- Send in business components
- Send in a separate service
- Keep a local cache for unsent events for resend later
- Local cache size limitation
- API call timeout/failure handling
On server side
- Log collection, centralize all log from all backend servers
- Generate an event based on predefined event data structure on request
- Direct to database
- Publish over message queue
Employ a third-party service
- Direct request
- Integrate SDK
- Shared database/separate database
Data definition☝️
- EventType, what happened
- CreatedAt, when did it happen
- Source, where did it happen
- Payload, who/what was involved
- StatusCode
- StatusMessage
Create(Event) Result
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