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It's time for Typescript Native

Zohaib Sibte Hassan on August 28, 2018

Unless you have been living under a rock; you must be aware of the project Deno. Yes it's the project by the same guy who wrote Node.js and accordi...
ben profile image
Ben Halpern

Unless you have been living under a rock; you must be aware of the project Deno.

Living under a rock here 👋

Actually I was sort of aware of this but not paying close attention at all. This is definitely promising.

zohaibility profile image
Zohaib Sibte Hassan

Hahaha :) well you just escaped the rock

nickytonline profile image
Nick Taylor
zohaibility profile image
Zohaib Sibte Hassan

Would love to link this directly in article; only if I can find the edit button :P

nickytonline profile image
Nick Taylor

If you want to link it directly, you can use this

{% link  %}
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zohaibility profile image
Zohaib Sibte Hassan

Don't have edit option :(

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michaeljota profile image
Michael De Abreu

To edit an article here you have to go to your dashboard.

jochemstoel profile image
Jochem Stoel

I would like to take a slight detour and say that you can create a TypeScript native executable runtime thingy yourself with node.

Initialize a Node application, install the ts-node package in your application folder (not global) and let your main script call the dist/bin.js script of ts-node.

Then build the app to an executable for your desired platform.

What you end up with is a typescript.exe that behaves like Node but speaks TypeScript. Do not pass arguments to get a typescript REPL, otherwise run the file.

kepta profile image
Kushan Joshi

I believe sticking to Web assembly would be a pragmatic solution instead of writing a native compiler. Check out this project which lets you write a subset of Typesvript to target WASM.

jvanbruegge profile image
Jan van Brügge

I am not sure why you would want Typescript. Sure it's better than Javascript, but standing alone it's still awful. The typesystem gets more hacky with every release (conditional types? WTF?) and it still carries the warts of Javascript.

If I want to target native, and want a typed language, O would either look into Haskell or Rust.

speculative profile image
Jeffrey Tao

"Typescript Native" is a bit of a strange thing to ask for, in my humble opinion, because it's roughly the same as compiling Javascript. Compilation processes roughly fall into two categories:

  1. "Ahead of Time" compilation to native machine code
  2. "Just in Time" compilation at run-time

Typescript and Javascript fall into the 2nd category. At run-time in every javascript engine, the source code is JITed before execution begins. As far as I'm aware, this is the most straightforward way to compile javascript, which may mutate its code during execution (such as with eval or require) -- new bits of code can simply be JITed during execution. Having these features means that the execution context must have access to a javascript compiler/interpreter.

So I think there are two things at play in your suggestion here:

  1. Emitting a single executable file
  2. Performance improvement

With respect to emitting a single executable file, if this is your only goal, you can accomplish it by generating an executable containing a Javascript runtime (like V8). There is precedence for things like this (such as py2exe) but they're normally concerned with portable distribution of software to consumers who may not have the relevant runtimes intstalled. Obviously, this is not a particularly satisfying solution and you're essentially just wrapping up the runtime with your source code as the data section of the executable.

As far as performance is concerned, initial JIT to start running can be significant (depending on the size of your program). Ahead of time compilation could potentially solve this, although there are multiple relative levels of performance cost at play: require() time (mostly due to synchronous file I/O), parse/compilation time. You can actually improve the require file I/O time drastically by using a javascript bundler (webpack, parcel), since it will combine all of your scripts into a single file.

Finally, I think it's important to consider that Typescript's stated goal is to be a strict syntactical superset of Javascript, so removal of standardized features in order to accommodate ahead of time compilation seems unlikely for the official Typescript project. There is asm.js, which is the subset of javascript which would probably allow for ahead-of-time compilation.

gurukyuu profile image
Vamsi Vishnubhotla

I sympathize with your desire for native performance, but the JS family of languages (Typescript, Dart, etc.) are intentionally dynamic and that offers developers a number of features that are unavailable for statically compiled languages, such as stateful hot-reload.

Google has done some good work with Dart in that their VM can do AOT or JIT compilation depending on whether you're in production or development environments. It seems like this might be what you want with Typescript. I would look into Dart. It might offer exactly what you're looking for.

ollydixon profile image
Oliver Dixon

Yeah but Dart still sucks, I mean it doesn’t even have optionals and many other basic features designed to help developers. I write Flutter apps daily and we’re seeing unnecessary null pointers that could be avoided with these simple language features.

I love TypeScript, I think it’s one of the best languages out there by far. If you’re writing vanilla JS and not syncing models with your web apps, you’re not a developer 😂😂

konstardiy profile image
Konstantin Isaev

I personally more interested in compiling typescript into WebAssembly instead of pure "nativization".
I understand how it is hard to do.
Have you seen how CLR IL code with generic and async/ienumerable functions look like? It is a less elegant thingy. And CLR has MUCH richer instructions set than WebAssembly.
I think we will have to wait for WebAssmbly instructions enrichment with alloc_str concat_str slice_str alloc_arri8 createObj callMtd getProp setProp cast_intf add_cls add_intf etc.
Or if someone will implement these instructions using js or another assembly to be referenced as importables and runtime for actual app-specific assemblies
These in

zohaibility profile image
Zohaib Sibte Hassan


bashery profile image

Good post. Thank you
In my opinion nothing can replace golang
golang is special. typescript native is only another kotlin native or other Swift. I hardly find a difference.
Maybe vlang. He is on the way to keeping his promises

zohaibility profile image
Zohaib Sibte Hassan

Seriously WTF; I gave up almost on it

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nickytonline profile image
Nick Taylor

There's an EDIT POST button beside the title of your article, e.g.

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zohaibility profile image
Zohaib Sibte Hassan

Bad design!!! It was right in front of my eyes and the cognitive load made me ignore it.

michaeljota profile image
Michael De Abreu

Please notice I open an issue suggesting this as I find it a very interesting idea.

I mention your post as the original idea, and maybe you can explain better what would be the advantages for the community of using Typescript in a native runtime.

teebot profile image
Thibaut Nguyen • Edited

Typescript Native on .NET would be so similar to C# (Anders Hejlsberg being behind both of them) why bother? .NET is also JITted

zohaibility profile image
Zohaib Sibte Hassan

I think there is a AOT support I think the attraction I am pointing out is huge developer community (larger than C#) and existing ecosystem.

adam_cyclones profile image
Adam Crockett 🌀

I think Microsoft have been working Bosque.

heyjonr profile image
Jonathan Rowley 👨🏻‍💻

Did a little test for TypeScript to create a Windows Forms app. Wishing we had a .net core/standard compiler now...

jecsham profile image

Hoping the sme here

codezigineer profile image

this project is very small, but it's a TS Native Compiler!