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Zoltan Fehervari
Zoltan Fehervari

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What Is Ray Tracing? This is The Future of Graphics Rendering

If you’re into graphics and visual effects, you’ve likely heard of ray tracing.

Well, I hadn’t heard of it, so that’s why I did some digging and went after this topic.

They say it’s a groundbreaking technology that’s transforming computer-generated imagery.

But what exactly is it, and why is it significant?

Simply put, ray tracing is a rendering technique that simulates the behavior of light by tracing the path of individual rays in a virtual scene. This results in highly accurate and lifelike images with realistic shadows, reflections, and lighting. It’s a substantial leap forward in graphics technology, enabling immersive, interactive experiences that were previously impossible.

Fundamentals of Ray Tracing

Ray tracing works by simulating the path of light rays as they interact with objects and surfaces in a virtual scene. Compared to traditional rasterization techniques, which “paint” each pixel based on its position and color, ray tracing allows for much greater realism. It accurately simulates complex phenomena like reflections, refractions, and shadows, making images nearly indistinguishable from photographs.

However, ray tracing is computationally intensive, requiring powerful graphics processing units (GPUs) like those developed by NVIDIA to achieve real-time rendering.

How Ray Tracing Works

Ray tracing involves generating rays from the viewer’s perspective and tracing them as they interact with objects in the scene. This process includes intersection testing to determine where each ray intersects with objects, and shading to calculate the brightness and color of each pixel based on light interactions. The result is stunningly realistic visual effects.

Comparison with Other Techniques

Ray Tracing vs Rasterization: Rasterization is a traditional rendering method that projects 3D geometry onto a 2D plane and fills it with pixels. It’s fast but lacks accurate lighting and shadow simulation. Ray tracing, however, calculates lighting in real-time, resulting in much more realistic effects, but it requires more computational power.

Ray Tracing vs Physically Based Rendering (PBR): PBR simulates the behavior of light in a physical environment using real-world properties like reflectivity and roughness. Ray tracing, on the other hand, uses simpler mathematical equations to simulate light paths. Ray tracing offers more control over lighting and shadows, while PBR is faster and suitable for real-time applications. Combining both techniques can yield highly realistic and immersive visuals.

Pros and Cons of Ray Tracing


  1. Realism: Produces highly realistic lighting and shadow effects.
  2. Accuracy: Provides precise control over light interactions with objects.
  3. Dynamic Effects: Supports reflections, refractions, and caustics.


  1. Computational Requirements: Needs significant processing power.
  2. Cost: Expensive to implement due to specialized hardware requirements.
  3. Learning Curve: Requires understanding of light physics and computer graphics principles.

Applications of Ray Tracing

Ray tracing is revolutionizing various industries beyond gaming, such as film and television, architecture, product design, scientific visualization, and real-time graphics. It enhances visual quality and realism, contributing to more immersive and believable virtual environments.

NVIDIA’s Role in Advancing Ray Tracing

NVIDIA has been a pioneer in developing and implementing ray tracing in modern GPUs. Their RTX series graphics cards feature dedicated hardware for ray tracing, enabling real-time rendering in video games. NVIDIA’s innovations, such as RTX IO, streamline data processing, further enhancing performance and realism.

The Future of Ray Tracing

The future of ray tracing looks promising with ongoing advancements in hardware and software. Full ray tracing, or path tracing, simulates the complete behavior of light within a scene, providing even higher levels of realism. As technology evolves, ray tracing will continue to push the boundaries of what is possible in graphics rendering, transforming how we visualize and interact with digital content.

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