DEV Community

Željko Šević
Željko Šević

Posted on • Originally published at on

Markdown overview

Markdown is a markup language mainly used for writing documentation. Its extension is .md, and most of the IDEs provide a previewer of the written documents. This post will cover basic syntax, some use cases with examples, and different flavors.


  • Headers
    • # some text for h1 header
    • ## some text for h2 header
    • ### some text for h3 header
    • #### some text for h4 header
    • ##### some text for h5 header
    • ###### some text for h6 header
  • Blockquotes
    • > some text
  • Links

    • External links
      [link text](link URL)
      [Gitlab flavored](#gitlab-flavored)
  • Images

    • ![image description](image URL)
  • Space between paragraphs

    • blank line
  • Lists

    • unordered
     - list item
       - sublist item
     - list item
       - subitem item
    • ordered
    1. post
    1. post
    1. post
  • Text modifications

    • Highlighted
    • Bold
    • Italic
    • Underlined
    • Strike-through
      ~~some text~~
  • Tables

    | Hackathon | Location | Date |
    | --------- | -------- | ---- |
    | [hackathon](URL) | place | 1-2 June 2023 |
  • HTML tags and entities

    <p>paragraph with some text &lt;3</p>
  • Comments

    <!-- this is a comment text -->
  • Escape characters

    \> not a blockquote text



Every repository should contain a Readme file with (at least) a project description and instructions on how to set up the project, run it, run the tests, and which technologies are used. Here is the link to the template example.

Blog posts

This post is written in Markdown and converted to HTML.


Different diagrams can be written in PlantUML. Check the rendered output in PlantUML editor.

  • Sequence diagrams
  User -> PaymentService: POST /payments
  PaymentService -> PaymentService: handlePayment()
  PaymentService -> User: response
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  • Architecture diagrams

  title Calculation

  package calculationService {
    database postgres {
      collections scores
      collections users
    interface POST_calculations
    interface GET_calculated_scores
    component calculator
    component scoreService
    interface userEventConsumer

  package worker {
    component scheduler
    interface userEventProducer

  package gateway {
    interface GET_scores


  actor User

  userEventProducer --> USER_EVENT: Message event flow
  USER_EVENT --> userEventConsumer: Message event flow
  userEventConsumer --> users: keep users updated

  scheduler --> POST_calculations: trigger calculation

  POST_calculations --> calculator: calculate scores
  calculator --> scores: store scores

  User -> GET_scores: get scores
  GET_scores --> GET_calculated_scores: get scores
  GET_calculated_scores --> scoreService: get scores
  scoreService --> scores: get scores

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  • GitHub flavored

    • Task lists
      - [x] completed
      - [ ] in progress
  • Gitlab flavored

    • Task lists
      - [x] completed
      - [~] inapplicable
      - [ ] in progress
    • Table of content


Front matter

It is metadata placed at the beginning of the file before the content. This data can be used by static site generators like Gatsby or blogging platforms like

title: Markdown overview
published: true
tags: ['markdown']
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode


Allows using JSX in Markdown documents.

import { Dashboard } from './dashboard.js'

<Dashboard year={2023} />
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode


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