DEV Community

Muhammad Zubair
Muhammad Zubair

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Integrating ClickHouse with AWS S3

Integrating ClickHouse with AWS S3

To integrate ClickHouse with an S3 bucket for fetching data, performing operations, and putting data back, follow these steps:

1. Setting Up ClickHouse

Install ClickHouse:

  • On a Debian-based system:
sudo apt-get install clickhouse-server clickhouse-client
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  • Start ClickHouse server:
sudo service clickhouse-server start
# or
sudo clickhouse start
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  • Start clickhouse-client with:
clickhouse-client --password
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2. Fetching Data from S3 and Loading into ClickHouse

Create a Table in ClickHouse:

CREATE TABLE s3_data (
    id UInt32,
    name String,
    value Float32
) ENGINE = MergeTree()
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Load Data from S3:
Use the s3 table function to load data directly from an S3 bucket:

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3. Performing Operations on Data in ClickHouse

Perform SQL queries to analyze the data:

SELECT name, AVG(value) AS avg_value
FROM s3_data
GROUP BY name;
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