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Introducing the Writing Debut Badge: Celebrating Your First Post on DEV!

Hey, all! We're so excited to unveil a brand new badge here on DEV: the Writing Debut Badge!

Writing Debut Badge

This little beauty ✨ is dedicated to celebrating your very first DEV post. It's a symbol of the first step in your journey to share your knowledge, experiences, and ideas with the Community. Here's everything you need to know.

What is the Writing Debut Badge?

The Writing Debut Badge is awarded to members who publish their inaugural post on DEV. It marks an important milestone in your journey as a contributor to the DEV Community. Share a technical tutorial, a personal reflection, a code snippet, or a discussion prompt. We want to hear from you! 🎺

How Do I Earn the Writing Debut Badge?

  • Write and share your first DEV post.
  • Make sure your post adheres to our Community Guidelines and is non-spam.
  • Important Note: Please be aware that the Writing Debut Badge will not be awarded retroactively. Only posts published after the introduction of this badge will earn the badge.

Publish Your First Post Now!

What Comes Next?

Once you've earned the Writing Debut Badge and properly celebrated πŸ’ƒ, the possibilities are endless! Keep sharing your knowledge, insights, and experiences with the DEV Community. With each contribution, you're not just earning badges, you're unlocking doors to new opportunities for recognition, engagement, and virtual high fives. πŸ™Œ

Unlock More Badges

We have a plethora of badges designed to boost your skills. By participating, you can earn badges like:

  • Writing Streak: Awarded for consistently posting on DEV.
  • Top 7: Granted to authors featured in the Top 7 Posts of the Week.
  • Language Badges: Given weekly to top authors in each language category.

Keep the momentum going by consistently sharing your work on DEV. You'll soon find yourself stacking up those badges and making a meaningful impact within our Community.

Join Us in Celebrating Your First Post!

We can't wait to see what incredible content you'll bring to the table with your first DEV post. Remember, the DEV Community is here to support and celebrate your achievements every step of the way. Here are some helpful resources to get you going:

  • Best Practices for Writing on DEV: A helpful series that offers both technical tips and general guidance for making the best-fit article for DEV. πŸ™Œ
  • DEV Editor Guide: A quick guide that provides you with technical tips for using the DEV Editor and our brand of Markdown. You can also find it by clicking the "?" page in the editor.
  • Markdown Cheatsheet: A handy cheatsheet for commonly-used Markdown formatting syntax.

Now, go ahead, hit that publish button, and let your voice be heard! πŸ—£οΈ

Top comments (19)

erinao profile image
Erin A Olinick

Hey, all! Quick update: we WILL be able to award this badge retroactively to all who've earned it in the past! Thanks for your comments and apologies for any frustration. We truly value your input and want to ensure you're duly recognized. I'll drop a note to everyone in this thread once the awards start rolling out. Keep an eye on your profiles. We appreciate you! ❀️

anitaolsen profile image
Anita Olsen*Β°β€’.β˜†

Thank you SO much! I highly appreciate it! πŸ’•

best_codes profile image
Best Codes

Thanks for all you guys do! It's nice to know that you listen to what we have to say.

❀️ Thanks for updating the badge! ❀️

thecheapaudiophile profile image
Griff Polk

YOOOOO My idea got taken into account what?!?!

thecheapaudiophile profile image
Griff Polk

I just got it

mattryanmtl profile image
Matt Ryan

Thank you :)

best_codes profile image
Best Codes

It is sad… Many writers on here probably deserve this badge, but they can't get it because they have written content? Seems a bit backwards…

But, what DEV does is what DEV does. Probably not any of our business. I hope new people who get this badge will be happy. πŸ₯°

anitaolsen profile image
Anita Olsen*Β°β€’.β˜†

It is definitely backwards as the Writing Streak badges are a part of a series.

best_codes profile image
Best Codes

It is also definitely what they chose to do, so we will have to be OK with it. XD

Thread Thread
anitaolsen profile image
Anita Olsen*Β°β€’.β˜† • Edited

I disagree. We are a community, we are in this together and DEV is open to input. What happened just now with the new badge is the proof of that :D

Thread Thread
best_codes profile image
Best Codes

I can see that. Thanks for chatting!

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anitaolsen profile image
Anita Olsen*Β°β€’.β˜†

Have a good one!

Thread Thread
best_codes profile image
Best Codes

You too!

thecheapaudiophile profile image
Griff Polk

Ooh! Can you retroactively award please to all dev members?

anitaolsen profile image
Anita Olsen*Β°β€’.β˜†

They will not. Our hard work on getting the whole series is wasted!

thecheapaudiophile profile image
Griff Polk

Dang it! :)

Thread Thread
anitaolsen profile image
Anita Olsen*Β°β€’.β˜† • Edited

Yes :/

anitaolsen profile image
Anita Olsen*Β°β€’.β˜†

They are going to after all! :D

anitaolsen profile image
Anita Olsen*Β°β€’.β˜† • Edited

I saw this badge yesterday and I was not happy about it. I have been working real hard to get all the Writing Streak badges, and as I am about to get what I thought was the last one in the series, you guys introduce a new one which is impossible for me to even get!