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Cover image for Podcast Palooza— What are you listening to? (Comedy Edition)
Rachel Fazio for The DEV Team

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Podcast Palooza— What are you listening to? (Comedy Edition)

Hey hey y'all!

I'm Rachel (they/them) and I am DEV's loyal Content Creator over here on the Community Team, it's nice to meet ya if I haven't already!

I have been a long-time fan (and sometimes contributor) of @michaeltharrington 's Music Monday Series and am coming to you all from my humble corner of the internet in search of folks who want to do the same... but with podcasts...

I would love for y'all to share with me what you have been listening to as of late! Share with me your favorite comedy podcasts (episodes and full podcasts both welcome).

Image of a cartoon person nodding his head with headphones on

Also— we have our own #podcast tag here on DEV! If you want to host any other podcast-related discussions, or even share your own podcasts, that's your place!


Audiophiles unite! Learn on the go with dev podcasts, there are lots of different shows about lots of topics, done in a lot of different styles so hopefully you can find some that suit your needs.

Okay!!! Thanks so much for being here. Please share with me your favorite silly little podcasts because I would love to listen to them (screams in WFH).

Top comments (10)

jess profile image
Jess Lee

I'll tune into Fumi Abe's podcast with Steffie Baik when I need a chuckle 😄

rachelfazio profile image
Rachel Fazio

I LOVE the premise of this. Listening now!

rachelfazio profile image
Rachel Fazio

Okay! I will begin. Here are my top listens as of late, in no particular order.

I have been a Seek Treatment fan since god knows when... but I tend towards a regular rotation of these three while I am working, something to keep me happy if I am struggling with a project, etc.!

rachelfazio profile image
Rachel Fazio

Realizing it wouldn't let me link the podcast outright, only an episode? Let me know if anyone knows how to fix this!!!

michaeltharrington profile image
Michael Tharrington

Woot! I'm here for it. 😀🙌

Appreciate the shoutout btw!

Anywho, recently I've been fascinated with movie-making. Patrick H Willems video essays about movies]( on YouTube has been a go-to for me these past couple months. But, since you put the focus on comedy, I gotta give a shout out to another show that covers the subject of movie-making, It Was A Sh*t Show. Here's the synopsis:

Making stuff is hard, especially in the entertainment world when there are millions of dollars on the line. And we are going to talk about these disastrous, never ending, and sometimes dangerous productions. With video documentaries and a companion conversational podcast, It Was A Sh*t Show is an entertaining look at some of your favorite films and tv shows, and why they were such a nightmare to make. From the creators of WTF Happened To This Movie?

And, if you're looking for a fun episode, I recommend this one about Gremlins.

rachelfazio profile image
Rachel Fazio

OOO will check this out... though I have never seen the movie the Gremlins! Will have to watch that first.

thecheapaudiophile profile image
Griff Polk For me :) I would embed but this site is so great

rachelfazio profile image
Rachel Fazio

Ooo I have never seen this but I love Vox Podcasts! Will check it out!

thecheapaudiophile profile image
Griff Polk

And its MKBHD

Thread Thread
thecheapaudiophile profile image
Griff Polk

Its also comedy… soooooooo yeah