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Nwakwoke Patrick Nnaemeka profile picture

Nwakwoke Patrick Nnaemeka

I am a software developer that loves to experiment.

Location Lagos Joined Joined on  github website twitter website


Software Engineer at Andela

Creating and testing a react package with CRA and rollup

Creating and testing a react package with CRA and rollup

Comments 9
8 min read

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Handling async operations and promise values in javascript arrays

Handling async operations and promise values in javascript arrays

3 min read
State management in React Native using context

State management in React Native using context

Comments 3
6 min read
Securing your express/Node.js API with Firebase auth

Securing your express/Node.js API with Firebase auth

Comments 51
6 min read
Using custom hooks in place of "render props"

Using custom hooks in place of "render props"

Comments 11
3 min read
useContext: A good reason to drop Redux

useContext: A good reason to drop Redux

Comments 5
5 min read
Setup React + Laravel without laravel mix

Setup React + Laravel without laravel mix

Comments 2
5 min read