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Aakash Kumar
Aakash Kumar

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Singleton-Pattern | Javascript Design Pattern Simplified | Part 1

As a developer, understanding various JavaScript design patterns is crucial for writing maintainable, efficient, and scalable code. Here are some essential JavaScript design patterns that you should know:

Singleton Pattern

The Singleton pattern ensures that a class has only one instance and provides a global point of access to it.


`class Singleton {
constructor() {
if (!Singleton.instance) {
Singleton.instance = this;
return Singleton.instance;

const instance1 = new Singleton();
const instance2 = new Singleton();

console.log(instance1 === instance2); // true


Real World Example

Example: Database Connection Pool

Real-World Scenario: In many applications, a database connection pool is maintained to optimize resource usage. Creating a new database connection for every query can be resource-intensive and slow. The Singleton pattern ensures only one instance of the connection pool is created and shared across the application.

Define the Singleton Class:

class DatabaseConnection {
  constructor() {
    if (!DatabaseConnection.instance) {
      this.connection = this.createConnection();
      DatabaseConnection.instance = this;
    return DatabaseConnection.instance;

  createConnection() {
    // Simulate creating a database connection
    return 'Database connection established';

  getConnection() {
    return this.connection;
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Use the Singleton Class:

const db1 = new DatabaseConnection();
const db2 = new DatabaseConnection();

console.log(db1.getConnection()); // 'Database connection established'
console.log(db1 === db2); // true, both are the same instance
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Use Cases:

The Singleton pattern is a design pattern that restricts the instantiation of a class to one single instance and provides a global point of access to that instance. Here are some common use cases for the Singleton pattern:

1. Configuration Management

Use Case: Applications often need to access configuration settings that are consistent and globally available throughout the app. Using a Singleton ensures that the settings are loaded once and can be accessed or updated globally without creating multiple instances.

Example: A configuration manager that reads settings from a file or environment variables and provides a consistent view of these settings throughout the application.

2. Global State Management

Use Case: When an application needs to maintain a global state that can be accessed and modified from various parts of the application, a Singleton can provide a single access point to this state.

Example: A global state manager in a game application that keeps track of the game state, scores, and settings.


Understanding these design patterns and knowing when to apply them can greatly improve your coding skills and make you a more effective full-stack developer. They help in creating robust and maintainable code.

Mastering these patterns will help you build better software.

Happy Coding! 🧑‍💻

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