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Cover image for Meteor Strike
Aaryan Tahir
Aaryan Tahir

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Meteor Strike


Introducing "Meteor Strike," an engaging and interactive game developed using Python and Pygame, showcasing my ability to integrate multimedia elements into a dynamic gaming experience. In this project, players navigate a spaceship, dodge falling targets, and shoot at them to earn points. The game features a vibrant user interface with custom graphics and sound effects, including an immersive background soundtrack.Key features include real-time gameplay mechanics like bullet management and target spawning, a high score system that tracks and saves player achievements, and interactive game over screens with replay and exit options. Utilizing pyttsx3 for voice feedback and Pygame for game development, I crafted a polished and user-friendly experience. This project highlights my skills in game design, event handling, and multimedia integration, demonstrating a thorough understanding of Python programming and game development principles.

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