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Cover image for Build your own Covid 19 Tracker with Dash , plotly , python part-1  : represent  data in  choropleth
Abderrahmane Mustapha
Abderrahmane Mustapha

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Build your own Covid 19 Tracker with Dash , plotly , python part-1 : represent data in choropleth

I would greatly appreciate it if you kindly give me some feedback on this
part 2 is here 💥💥

in this post will show how to create a simple dashboard to follow the progress of the covid19🚑 virus and its spread

our app will look like this in the end 😀😀
enter image description here

Dash :

Dash is Python web framework for building analytical web application , wich use flask on the server side , react for the front end ,and plotly.js for the data visualisation
if you want learn more about dash
check the this post on data camp

and you know Truth can only be found in one place: the code so lets start coding
enter image description here

Coding part 💻

setup our dash app 🚩

install dash and plotly and pondas by typing

pip install dash dash-renderer dash-html-components dash-core-components plotly pandas
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then lets create a directory for our project and name it ** covid19Dash **

 mkdir covid19Dash && cd covid19Dash
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inside this directory create file

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and add this code to it

#dash imports
import dash
import dash_core_components as dcc
import dash_html_components as html
#end of dash imports

##  HTML code ## 
app.layout = html.Div(children=[ "hello there"])
### end of HTML ##

#init the app and server
app = dash.Dash()
server = app.server
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now run

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and check this link if everything is running fine lets move to the next part

🧭 we need to create another python file with name of this files will container logic about how to extract and use our data

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inside the file lets define a function to extract data from APIs with three arguments api_url , field and the name of the csv file file_name that contains the data


# don't forget to import this
import pandas as pd
import json
import requests

def get_api_data(api_url, field_name, file_name):
    data = requests.get(api_url)
    results = pd.DataFrame(data.json()[field_name])

    #save the result in the data folder
    results.to_csv('data/'+file_name+'.csv', sep=',' )

    # return API data
    return results
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to get the data we are using 2 APIs

the first one covid19api containe data about the countries total cases , new cases, total deaths , .... and more

the second one trackcorona containe data about the citys in each country (total cases, total deaths , total recovered)

now lets get and save the data add this lines of code to

### get countries data
        '', # API link
        'Countries', #field name
        'countries', #file name

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by running python our countries.csv file will look like this one below

countries data file

😎 lets visualize the data we need to create a new file , add this lines to it

import json
#plotly and dash
import as px
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define a viz_earth_data function which is going to get countries data from our csv file and plot it on choropleth

def viz_earth_data(df=open_csv("data/countries.csv")):

    fig = px.choropleth( df, locations="Country",
                        hover_data=[ 'CountryCode',
                            'TotalRecovered','Date', 'Slug'
                        locationmode="country names",


    return fig
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now lets go back to our and import the viz_earth_data function

from charts import viz_earth_data 

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after this add the graph to our HTML layout

app.layout = html.Div(children=[
            id='earth-graph', #graph id
            figure = viz_earth_data() , #this will show the earth graph 
              'displayModeBar': False
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now run python and open in your browser , you will see something like this

earth graph photo

Part 2 is here 💥💥

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