## Day 1 with Bytewise as a Frontend Developer Fellow:
Day 1: First step in my fellowship program. My journey to become a Frontend Web Developer starts today with Bytewise Limited fellowship program.
On the #Day1, I learned about the basics of websites structures with HTML, CSS.
Day 1:
I have learned about the Web Development Tools and languages, In the mentioned 2 videos the concept of web development is easily explained.
Also, I learned about how the Websites working with the help of these languages.
Practice and Learning:
HTML basic structure:
html opening tag
header open
title open
title close
body tag
all things are here
body tag close
html tag close
I setup my Twitter and other accounts for fellowship program.
I watched the 2 given tutorials on the basics of web development.
On the Day1, I learned about the basics of websites structures with HTML, CSS.
Today I learned some basics about WEB development.
2+ hours
Now, I will practice 3 to 4 hours to improve my basics of HTML and CSS in coming days.
I will improve my social media profiles, so that everyone having knowledge of web development connect with me and I connect with the real people.
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