Ok so you know those Twitter bots that search for various keywords and retweet tweets? They're pretty popular in the developer community, presumably as they're an interesting project to build. I wondered how many it would be possible to hit with a single tweet.
A few had a go with good results!
@adam_greenough #darkmemelord #NoPreviewHtmlCss #100DaysOfCode #coding #animation #developer #programming #coding #CodeNewbie Off the top of my head 😅00:40 AM - 09 Aug 2020
My latest is currently sitting at 60 retweets.
Adam Greenough@adam_greenough#darkmemelord #NoPreviewHtmlCss #100DaysOfCode #coding #animation #developer #programming #coding #CodeNewbie #NodeJS #javascript #denoland #js #MakerSneakPeek #laravel #php #learntocode #webdev #webdesign #devcommunity #WordPress #meme #React #webdesign Hello bots #botwhacking04:23 AM - 09 Aug 2020
Can you beat that? 😄
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