❔ About
At Nouméa, I have a kind of "fétiche" restaurant called "Au p'tit café"
They :
- 👐 Are very kind people : I love spend time there (at least once a week)
- 🧑🍳 Have awesome creative and tasty menus
- Have a unique management approach and have implemented a
days work week:
What is very convenient is that their website describes very well its menus for the week, with a core philosophy:
- 🤏 Few menus
- ☝️ Focused on high quality and fresh food
I do often go and read their website:
🤔 Inception
... and was wondering if I could build something "nerdy" around it...(for example play with it from my terminal 🤓)
💡 The idea
As I did never create a Python package, I finally decided to :
Create & release a dedicated
package that would get the menus data... so anyone could have fun with it (with a very few set of lines of code) - Get the menu's datas as
dataframe... andcsv
💭 Why Python ?
As Python is very widely used to create many things like:
- 🦜 Create
tools to build applications withLLMs
through composability so we could chat with menus ... for example with the CSV Agent - 🤪 Any other crazy and fun stuff (with GPU) on Kaggle or Google Colab'
- ⚡ Learn to create API with
on top of this SDK - 🤗 Play with Hugging Face Transformers Agent
🤓 Do it
I finally created the package :
😋 SDK Python pour accéder aux menus du restaurant "Au p'tit café" - Nouméa, Nouvelle-Calédonie
❔ About
Finally a Python package to make getting Au p'it café's menus a piece of (cheese) cake.😅
With this package you can:
... and get them as list of objects or csv
👉 See it live on Kaggle 👈
🔖 Social networks
🤓 Nerd resources
🚀 Quickstart
For the impatients, here is a quick and ready to use code snippet:
# Install the package
!pip install auptitcafe --upgrade
# Make some imports
from auptitcafe.menus import Menus
import pandas as pd
# Create the main utility instance
menu_instance = Menus()
# Dump menus as a csv file
menus = 'menus.csv'
# Load menus in a panda dataframe
df = pd.read_csv
…... then released it on pypi
Finally, it became as easy as follows to get menus as data:
# Install the package
!pip install auptitcafe
# Make some imports
from auptitcafe.menus import Menus
import pandas as pd
# Create the main utility instance
menu_instance = Menus()
# Dump menus as a csv file
menus = 'menus.csv'
# Load menus in a pandas dataframe
df = pd.read_csv(menus)
# Diplay dataframe
# Be creative with dataframe
🕹️ Enjoy the data on Kaggle
🍿 Demo
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