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Jairus Joer for Aggregata

Posted on • Updated on • Originally published at

Visualize and update products with Alpine.js

The texts in this article were generated in parts by OpenAI's ChatGPT and corrected and revised by us.

As a starting point for our demonstration of product data visualization and conversion, we use the following simplified data structure that contains important product information such as name, price, and currency:

    "name": "Arctis 1 Wireless",
    "price": {
      "value": 99.99,
      "currency": "USD"
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Each product is stored as an object in the list and contains the name and price fields. The price key in turn contains an object with the price information.

Obtain and visualize data

To be able to display the data in the frontend, we first need a way to retrieve it. For this, we use a fictitious API in our example, from which we obtain the data structure using the getOffers() function and store it in the offers object. This is done, as usual, in a specially created context within Alpine, here called utility.

If you want to learn more about how to include Alpine in your environment, we recommend our post: Including Alpine.js in a production environment

document.addEventListener("alpine:init", () => {"utility", () => ({
    offers: [],
    async getOffers() {
      const response = await (
        await fetch("")
      this.offers =;
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To visualize the data in the frontend, we can then use the following HTML code:

<div class="offers" x-data="utility" x-init="getOffers">
  <template x-for="offer in offers">
    <article class="offer">
      <div class="offer-title" x-text=""></div>
        x-text="`${offer.price.value} ${offer.price.currency}`"
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Obtain exchange rate and update prices

To be able to display the current product price in Euro, we obtain current conversion rates via an API from The function getConversion() then stores the current rate in the key conversion. If the API unexpectedly returns an incorrect response, we use the initial object in the key as a reference.

document.addEventListener("alpine:init", () => {"utility", () => ({
    conversion: { rate: 1, currency: "USD" },
    offers: [],
    async getConversion() {
      const rate = await (
        await fetch(``)
      if (!rate.success) return;
      this.conversion = { rate: rate.result, currency: };
    async getOffers() {
      const response = await (
        await fetch("")
      await this.getConversion();
      this.offers =;
    setPrice() {
      const price = (this.offer.price.value * this.conversion.rate).toFixed(2);
      return `${price} ${this.conversion.currency}`;
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The function setPrice() returns the updated price and replaces the interpolated string from the previous HTML code.

<div class="offers" x-data="utility" x-init="getOffers">
  <template x-for="offer in offers">
    <article class="offer">
      <div class="offer-title" x-text=""></div>
      <div class="offer-price" x-text="setPrice"></div>
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Thus, we can obtain and visualize product information with current prices via Alpine. Since this is only a simple demonstration, the next step could be to extend this code with loading and fallback states that make the experience clearer and more pleasant for users in the frontend.


Alpine is used to obtain an array of product data, the prices of which are then converted into euros using an external API in order to visualize this data as a list in the frontend.

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