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Aliyu Adeniji
Aliyu Adeniji

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What is Rust Programming?

Rust is an efficient, memory-optimized, and a fast programming Language that is used to build to build web services and Apps that require speed and efficiency.

Some of the most important features that make Rust stand out among other programing languages is the built in memory safety, this feature allows you to write Rust programs that do not have memory-corrupting bugs.

Rust programs also have a high-performance throughput which makes Rust code to be easy to read and write, this means that writing Rust programs will reduce developmental costs.

Rust concurrency is one other feature that makes it easy for developers to write Rust codes and detect potential vulnerabilities during development, rather than spending more time debugging the code after production.

It allows ownership and type checking that both make sure that every data in the Rust program have one owner at a time and every value holds the correct data type.

My only turn off of the Rust ecosystem is the Versioning system, Rust programs are currently version dependent, meaning that before you can work locally on a Rust program, your local version of Rust must be the same as the version of the program you want to work on, this usually leads to using more time to install dependencies and setting up a development environment, instead of focusing on building the project.

Now, let’s get it Rusty, In this section of the discussion, we wil go ahead and get stared with building with Rust, the most important thing here is getting our development environment well set up, and below is a guide to install Rust on Windows, Linux and MacOS, together with the Rust installation, you also need to install the Rust’s package manager called cargo .

Please note, that you also need a prerequisite knowledge of using a command line tool

To install Rust on your Linux or macOS device, simply copy, paste, and run the following line of code in your terminal. The command will download and install the latest Rust version on your system.

$ curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 []( -sSf | sh

To install Rust on a Windows operating system, go to  and go ahead to install Rust on your windows operating system.

To confirm if you have an installation of Rust on your computer run rustc --version .

To make and installation update to your Rust version, run rustup update .

To uninstall Rust, run rustup self uninstall and Rust will be uninstalled from your computer.

In this article, you have learnt a bit of introduction to Rust programming, and you have been able to set up your local development environment, in the coming tutorials, we shall dive deep into the fundamentals of Rust programming.

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