My open source journey started about 8 months ago when I enrolled myself in OSD600, a course delivered by the one and only David Humphrey.
In that course, we learned about the basics of open source, like how to make good PRs and contribute to random open-source projects, and how to use Git effectively in the process. We participated in events like Hacktoberfest that helped us embrace the spirit of open source.
This term, I enrolled myself in OSD700, that acts as a second part of 600. This time, instead of jumping across random projects every time, we stuck to one project and stuck to that.
That project was what I have been writing about for last 4 months - ChatCraft.
My journey with ChatCraft and OSD700 has been super rewarding.
Not only was it the most fun course I ever had, but:
- I was able to learn about a lot of cool technologies that I had no idea of before this. Some of them being Cloudfare Pages, Cloudfare R2, PnPM, Secret Management with SOPS, Vite, and Web Assembly.
- Working on ChatCraft was a great introduction to leveraging the power of AI models using OpenAI's API, as I was able to apply my learnings to a real project and implement cool features along the way.
- I learned about common open source practices like running a triage meeting, the role of a Sheriff, and the recipe of how people are attracted to an open source project. People want to be involved with projects that are alive, where there's a community that is active.
- And I realized the role blog posts play not only in an individual's career, but in the growth of your projects (if you write about them). Writing about your work and projects is one of the best way to marketing your skills and your work.
This has been a true privilege working on a cool project with a great team, and under an exceptional mentor.
Of course, this is not the end of my open source journey, but I see it as the best beginning possible.
Its very common to get comfortable with doing one thing after graduating (at a job), keep doing it until it becomes obsolete, and end your career by making that mistake.
- Taras
I feel like I have already had such an experience, even though I haven't officially started. I've been working as an Angular Developer for almost 2 years now, continuing at the place where I got my coops. Before this course, I had become too comfortable with doing that one thing (Angular UIs) that I felt uncomfortable in exploring different things, and I knew that was not good.
Working on ChatCraft pulled me out of that pit, and helped me realize that Open Source is a great way to explore different technologies and stay up to date with the latest trends even after graduating and starting a job.
I would like to end this post by once again thanking all my peers, Taras, and David for helping me have the have the best learnings possible on this journey 😄
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