DEV Community

Andrii Shykhov profile picture

Andrii Shykhov

DevOps engineer, work with AWS, CloudFormation, Terraform

Location Poland Joined Joined on 


DevOps engineer

Monitoring Disk Space in Gigabytes on AWS Windows 2022 Server with CloudWatch

Monitoring Disk Space in Gigabytes on AWS Windows 2022 Server with CloudWatch

6 min read
Blue-Green deployment with GitLab CI and CodePipeline on an AWS ECS cluster

Blue-Green deployment with GitLab CI and CodePipeline on an AWS ECS cluster

6 min read
CloudFormation nested stack with Cognito, ALB, EC2, Route53 for different environments

CloudFormation nested stack with Cognito, ALB, EC2, Route53 for different environments

6 min read
Simple web application blue-green deployment with GitLab CI/CD pipeline via SSH on an AWS EC2 instance

Simple web application blue-green deployment with GitLab CI/CD pipeline via SSH on an AWS EC2 instance

7 min read
Terraform Workflow with GitLab Runner Shell Executor based on AWS EC2 Auto Scaling Group

Terraform Workflow with GitLab Runner Shell Executor based on AWS EC2 Auto Scaling Group

6 min read