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CSS Box Radius Generator

Welcome to the CSS Border Radius Generator! This tool allows you to easily generate CSS code for rounded corners on your website’s design elements. With a simple and intuitive interface, you can create the perfect border radius for your website in seconds.

Tools Link: This Tool is available at

Tools UI:

CSS Box Radius Generator

How to Use

  • Adjust the Radius Sliders: Use the four sliders to adjust the top-left, top-right, bottom-right, and bottom-left radius of your border. You can drag the sliders or click on the values to input a specific number.
  • Preview the Border Radius: As you adjust the sliders, the preview box will update in real-time to show you how the border radius will look on your website.
  • Get the CSS Code: Click the “Get Code” button to open a popup window with the generated CSS code for your border radius.
  • Copy the Code: Click the “Copy Code” button to copy the CSS code to your clipboard.
  • Close the Popup: Click the “Close” button to close the popup window.

Tips and Tricks

  • You can adjust the sliders in real-time to see how the border radius changes.
  • You can input specific values for each radius by clicking on the value and typing in a number.
  • The generated CSS code is in the format border-radius: x y z w;, where x, y, z, and w are the values for the top-left, top-right, bottom-right, and bottom-left radius, respectively.
  • You can use this tool to generate border radius code for any HTML element, not just boxes.


  • If the popup window doesn’t open, make sure you have JavaScript enabled in your browser.
  • If the CSS code doesn’t copy to your clipboard, try refreshing the page and trying again.

I hope this user manual helps you get started with the CSS Border Radius Generator! If you have any questions or need further assistance, feel free to ask.

Tools Link: This Tool is available at

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