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What's your current code editor/IDE setup?

Coding without a code editor or IDE is unimaginable unless you use notepad. So, what's you current editor/IDE setup, you can share your editor/IDE, current theme, current font, some extensions you use and literally anything you want to share about your workflow.

I'm gonna share my setup here πŸ˜€

  • Editor: VS Code
  • Terminal: Windows Terminal and Hyper with PowerShell 7
  • Theme: Night Owl
  • Font: Ubuntu Mono
  • Icon Theme: Material Icon Theme
  • Some extensions I really like: GitHub Copilot, WakaTime, ESLint and Choose a License.

Top comments (186)

joshistoast profile image
Josh Corbett • Edited
  • Editor: VS Code
  • Terminal: iTerm with Fig and zshrc
  • Theme: Vitesse Dark
  • Font: Cascadia Code
  • Icon Theme: File Icons (colorless)
  • Some extensions I really like: Auto Close Tag, Auto Rename Tag, Better Comments, error lens, github copilot, gitlense, path intellisense, vite, volar.


narayan9deep profile image

Here's mine:

Editor: VS Code
Terminal: Default Windows Terminal
Theme: Kimble Dark
Font: Cascadia Code
Icon Theme: File Icons
Some extensions: GlassIt-VSC, Auto Close Tag, Better C++ Syntax, Color Highlight, Prettier

asheeshh profile image

I just love your vs code setup, will definitely try out the theme :)

thomasbnt profile image
Thomas Bnt

Oooh cool theme!

tbruns profile image
Tobias Bruns

Nice Theme! Which bracket extension did you use (the one that displays the green line)?

joshistoast profile image
Josh Corbett

VS Code has built-in bracket colorization and highlighting :)

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tbruns profile image
Tobias Bruns

found it. thank you!

rholo profile image
Rodrigo Ahumada • Edited

Big fan of Neovim here!

  • Editor: Neovim + LSP + extras!
  • Terminal: iTerm + zsh + exa
  • Theme: gruvbox
  • Font: Nerd Fonts


devanghingu profile image
Devang Hingu

wow amazing.... where did you get guide to setup like this???

rholo profile image
Rodrigo Ahumada

I don't have a guide but I'm creating a post to share this setup.

miniscruff profile image

This was my setup until a few weeks ago when I swapped themes and fonts. Well my terminal is different as I am on ubuntu but pretty close.

fliptopbox profile image
Bruce Thomas

my VIM is identical to yours, but my OS is Manjaro (Linux) with i3 tiling window manager and the terminal is ST (suckless terminal)

sajjathossain profile image
Sajjat Hossain • Edited
  • Editor: NeoVim
  • Terminal: Kitty terminal
  • Theme: NightFly
  • Font: Fira Code
  • Some extensions: Treesitter, Telescope, Whichkey, COC etc. img
gbhorwood profile image
grant horwood

i'm going to be that "vim guy" and that "the os is the ide guy" and say:

  • vim
  • alacritty
  • gruvbox
  • sed and jq
asheeshh profile image

"os is the ide guy" so true πŸ˜‚, I occasionally use lunar vim sometimes and I have tried gruvbox on vscode, it was my color theme for around 1 month, one of the coolest themes β™₯

paddyredbeard profile image
Patrick B • Edited
  • os: Pop!_OS or Ubuntu
  • terminal: Tilix
  • shell: oh-my-zsh
  • editor: NeoVim + SpaceVim
  • theme: molokai, badwolf, or jellybeans
  • font: NerdFont mono 13

Feel free to grab my Spacevim.d configuration, if you like it.

my spacevim

asheeshh profile image

might try out the theme, looks great

paddyredbeard profile image
Patrick B

I like the nanotech/jellybeans theme a lot, too.

tqbit profile image
tq-bit • Edited
  • Editor: VSCode
  • Terminal: ZSH + Oh my ZSH + a few plugins
  • Theme: New Moon VSCode theme
  • Font: Fira Sans + Font Ligatures
  • Icon theme: Material Theme Icons (darker)
  • My favorite extensions: Git Graph, IntelliCode, TodoTree.

Github Copilot is pretty cool as well. Also, Tailwind Intellisense + prettier-plugin-tailwindcss prevent a lot of hassle (the latter is not a VSCode extension tho).

mike_andreuzza profile image
Michael Andreuzza • Edited
  • Editor: VS Code
  • Terminal: VS Code Terminal
  • Theme: Serendipity ( My own )
  • Font: IBM Plex Mono
  • Icon Theme: Serendipity's icons theme. ( My own )
  • Some extensions I really like: Auto Close Tag, Auto Rename Tag,gitlense, path intellisense, Headinwind
  • Prefferences: Sidebar to right, wide terminal from tide to side.

You can grab the theme at, it has been ported to other platforms aswell.
VS Code Marketplace 15K installs:

Have a good day!

asheeshh profile image
ashish • Edited

tried the theme, the color scheme is well chosen and actually resembles catppuccin a lot, the only thing that's an issue for me is that some colors are high contrast and I personally prefer softer colors which don't strain the eyes much, overall the theme looks good ❀

mike_andreuzza profile image
Michael Andreuzza


The color scheme comes from the first version I made but curated.

What theme have you tried? If you have tried the Midnight, yeah they are high contrast because it has been asked from the users, I don't use it personally, I use Sunset V2.

Is just for them :-)

In fact, V1 is only published because they were asking for it to come back :-)

Thank you for the Feddback Ashish, really appreciate

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asheeshh profile image

Yes I tried midnight from v2 as I like darker background πŸ˜…

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mike_andreuzza profile image
Michael Andreuzza

That explains it,try Sunset. Try Sunset, the text you snot as harsh.

Is my go to.

asheeshh profile image

the theme looks great, will surely give the darker one a try ❀

mike_andreuzza profile image
Michael Andreuzza


Feel free to drop some feedback !

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asheeshh profile image


trubbers profile image
marcusdiedrich • Edited
  • As a beginner dev I've been trying to stick to using Vim in iTerm with ZSH as much as possible, however theres some things that I need a full gui IDE for and not just a text editor
  • I'm aware that Vim can be used as a full code editor but out of the box it's a more simple version and I haven't learned to configure it to it's full potential quite yet
  • When it comes to IDEs I have tried Atom, Sublime, and VS Code. Of the three VS Code in my opinion is the most intuitive and feature packed. not to mention probably the most popular IDE of all.
  • any tips for making the full switch to vim from vs code?
  • also hulk theme in zsh is my favorite
paddyredbeard profile image
Patrick B

Hi marcusdiedrich,

You might have a look at SpaceVim, which provides a nicely customized set of Vim plugins to be a full-featured IDE. I've used Vim as my primary editor for 20-some years, and switched to NeoVim + SpaceVim about a year and a half ago, and I really enjoy using it. You don't have to use SpaceVim with NeoVim, but I've found they're a very good combination. I've customized my SpaceVim configuration to look just how I like it. I'd be curious to know if you try it and how you like it.

trubbers profile image

yo man! I've been using your recommendation SpaceVim and wow have I got to say I am super impressed!! This is definitely the best setup for vim especially when it comes to things like customization, syntax highlighting, and having a file tree or plugin manager all within vim and easy to setup. Honestly now that I've got it all configured I doubt I'll even consider switching to anything else. so thank you for the tip. πŸ”₯

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paddyredbeard profile image
Patrick B • Edited

Awesome! Really glad you found it useful. I occasionally still use Vim in other configurations, but generally only if I just need a text editor for a quick task. Once I got used to SpaceVim, I haven't really looked back. Especially as I'm often working via an SSH session and latency just isn't an issue as it can be with some other IDEs.

trubbers profile image

looks great! going to take your advice and setup a similar config with Neovim/Spacevim. thanks for the tip ill let you know how it goes.

asheeshh profile image

there are a lot of sites where you can learn more about vim, I haven't configured mine as I rarely use it, but I use LunarVim which already comes with some cool features, and ben awad made a video which you might want to see:

yongdev profile image
Yong Dev
  • Editor: VS Code
  • Terminal: Kitty terminal
  • Theme: Community Material Theme Palenight
  • Font: Consolas, 'Courier New', monospace
  • Icon Theme: File Icons

'my theme'

manethye profile image

Can I install kitty terminal on windows?

yongdev profile image
Yong Dev

Yes. Via wsl

malcak profile image
Malcak • Edited
  • Editor: VS Code
  • Theme: Material theme darker high contrast
  • Font: Cascadia Code
  • Icon Theme: Gruvbox Material Icon Theme
  • Some extensions I really like: GitLens, Error lens, indent-rainbow, Mintlify, MySQL, Thunder Client.
  • Terminal: Windows Terminal with PowerShell 7, WSL2 (Ubuntu) with zsh and oh-my-zsh

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